Never was. 

You offer a banana sticker for "good performance" someone will always try and "earn" it though 😆

I take cash tips with a smile and a "thank you" all day. 

But yeah, a lot of drivers are dumb. Can't deny that. 

I'll take a pint with a dash of e.coli pls

Bigger one looks like a Lhasa mix. 

Smaller one looks Yorkie or some other kind of terrier mix. 

They both look very sweet. 

When you get the results please share. I always find them fascinating. 

$15 leash couldve saved your dumb shitbull, my guy. 

I'm glad the baby corgs is ok. Finally get a story where it's not a tragic ending for the innocent party. 

I mean if there is still doubt just go to another vet or ER

Those leprechauns are working hard to bring them a chip this year. 

Their stupid ass fans are being salty towards Minny, same way we were with them. Cheering on, Luka and the mavs etc etc

They are a bunch of hypocritical whiney babies. Same fashion as the Clippers. 

Clips fans think they are a classier fan base and ended up choking on their own smug bullshit when Westbrook shit the bed. Turns out they aren't any better than us. 

Checking in. How is he doing? How are you doing? 

"I see a dog, walking around BLINDLY...I didn't know he was blind!"

This part right here made me want to cave in this fucking morons skull. 

He made the observation that the dog could possibly be blind and not a shred of patience or compassion popped into this douchebags head. Society doesn't need garbage humans like this...

That's exactly it, he was easily our third best player in the regular season and dude just disappeared in the playoffs. 2 years in a row, he was exploited in the playoffs and it didn't help that we had a rookie coach who couldn't make the adjustments he needed to help him out. 

Yeah, same as Prop 22. You know it's probably a good thing if DD is trying to tell you it's a bad thing.