It was a suicide mission to implode a planet... your family will be proud that the super beurocrats thought the escape footage was worth trying to get you off the rock at all.

You 100% can transform a short pull into a long one just using mechanics.. but you could also do it electrically. 

But you're making a lot of incorrect assumptions here already,  so I'm just gonna let this thread die.

They nerfed like 4 weapons and buffed a whole heck of a lot more. If the Crossbow or Eruptor nerfs are what pushed you away from the game, you probably weren't enjoying it anyway.

Absolutely. Breaker Incendiary is one of the best bug guns... i just don't think it needs a nerf.

Probably due to how they've rigged the animations. If they try a recovery animation mid ragdoll things would look weird... so they made it where your character doesn't recover until you've stopped moving, no matter how slowly you're sliding.


PP has the best ergonomics of any weapon in the game... that thing sticks to your cursor like its life depends on it. If I were to recommend a nerf, that's what i would target - but you never know with AH.

Scorcher, I think, has too much ammo.


Breaker incendiary is good, but it's not THAT good.  I'd be watching out for Punisher Plasma or Scorcher nerfs first.

But I don't think devs are going to nerf anything I'm the next patch.. I'd expect that they'd want to avoid more outrage from nerfs until after they throw a few more buffs out there.

I haven't played since the new mission was added, so I won't comment on the mission itself... but I like that different objectives encourage bringing different strategems and equipment.

The cooldown is one second, and the buffs are applied at full power from the start... so just step out when the mana drain becomes too large and cast it again.

Dominator is better for clearing scavengers and the like. Slugger is slightly better vs medium targets, especially at a distance, and has better ergonomics.. Overall I'd rate them pretty similarly vs bugs.

Slugger is a fine weapon, and just a bit weaker than it should be to sit in the top tier.

I just wish the mechs were on wheels so I could live out my Blue Gender fantasies.

It was more obvious when one rocket would kill a spore tower.. not much incentive to keep dumping rounds into it if it's not clear that it's doing anything.

They have a fair bit of health... Takes a bit less than 2 AMR mags to kill each shrieker nest.

Act 3 was a slog, and I'd recommend skipping any and all quests if it'll make you enjoy the end of the game more.

Yep.  The game is great and nearly all the weapons are viable. Most of the buffs I'd recommend are small... Like increasing RoF on the diligence or letting the purifier release is charge without firing.

Bro my gatling sentry picks up 50 kills just planted randomly on an open field.. they're strong enough.

Bots aren't just invading - theyre reproducing on the planets.

Buys live service game.

Game gets harder during a single patch.

Refuses to lower difficulty.

Says the game is too hard.

Surprised Pikachu face