Ridículo a quantidade de pessoal a ver isto e a pensar que é um site de notícias legítimo com a devida integridade jornalística.

Uma rápida pesquisa mostra logo que não passa de uma espécie de blog com talking points exclusivamente de direita.

Mas como tem grafismos profissionais é um logótipo todo xpto e um nome pomposo, sim senhor, já é fonte de qualidade. Realmente é tão fácil enganar a carneirada nos dias de hoje. E isto ainda se usar AI... quando usar, estamos todos divididos.

Já as "notícias" daquele outro blog "invictus portucale" também as comem as colheres. Nesse o tipo até anda pelas ruas com um microfone a entrevistar e mete aquelas faixas a passar frases em rodapé para parecer mais legítimo e ninguém questiona.

I love my mirror image but everytime I see a photo or video of myself I cringe and want to cry.


A malta toda que aqui se vê a defender a lei da cacetada para resolver tudo, inclusive benignos ataques ao frágil ego, é só pessoal que não entende o simples princípio da proporcionalidade.

Eles que defendam isto, defendam. Que um dia quando levarem na boca só porque olharam de lado para um bófia e ele achou que o estavam a intimidar, depois não se podem queixar. Deviam ser mais respeitosos e olhar como deve ser!

Holy crap. What a rabbit hole! (very fitting) I gotta add this to my reading list too! Thanks

yeah, I get what you mean. That is why I brought up the Ship of Theseus, cause in the end, we can pretty much say the same about ourselves, even if no cloning is ever involved. Science says our atoms are 100% replaced in about 5-10 years. After that time are we even the same person? The only thing linking us to that lifeform all those years back are just our memories, and body sctructure (and even those definitely changed with time too; I definitely know I am not the same person I was 10 years ago).

So even if I knew I was talking to the clone of a friend, I would know that he has the exact same memories of all the things we did together up to that point, have the same feelings, the same joy and fears, everything. I couldn't bear to treat him any different, cause he would be my actual friend, the exact same person (just like Arnold in the movie). He would essentially be living in two bodies from then on, and experience life in branching paths.

Now, maybe after several years living different paths, and experiencing different things that would further reshape their personality, would they grow to become different people (even though sharing the same past). But by then, they'd still feel like my friend, just from two different paralell timelines (and I no longer would be able to tell, which would be his true life history, since at the time he branched off, I would never have known which path he would take; and would probably not even be cause by themselves, but a product of chance, chaos).

I recall bringing up Sixth Day in a “Whats your favorite Arnold movie?” post and I was the only one who mentioned that movie out of a 1000 comments 😂

Aw, man, for real? Reddit is disapointing me, ahah. That would have been right there on the top along with Total Recall, if we discount the first Terminators.

Yeah, I love that scene too! But I read it a bit differently. I don't wonder who is the real one, I really think the point is both are (even though even the bad guy does not realize that). Like when the one that is dying says "you're not even gonna wait for me to die first before taking my clothes?" and the clone replies "would you?".

Like, the guy is such an asshole he obviously doesn't care for anyone but himself. So the one dying is offended cause he still feels like the "real" one, while the other think he is the "real" one now, cause he made the conscious choice to no longer be "in that body" so he couldn't care less. The guy gets a taste of his own medicine.

And iirc, the one dying there had already been cloned a few times, so the "real one" concept was out the window.

My take (since I don't believe in souls, although the idea scares people) is that in the end, we all boil down to be just info/data on an organic medium. If something changes that medium, either chemicals, hormones or damage to the brain (like the known case of Phineas Gage) our very way of being, our personality, also changes. So in the same way, if we change the medium but keep the software/data structure intact, then our self can be completely copied (a perfect copy just as real as the original).

Another story that really solidified this notion to me was the horror game SOMA. God, I love that game.

Damn, sorry, here I am rambling already! These topics really get me going ^ ^ '

Witnessing history in the making!

Boy, I can only imagine the boom in new short films and games that will come out feeding an all this new info.

Especially after we get access to more details about the place, as well as more images from back then and new images of how it is today.

Locals are gonna be so confused at so many random strangers suddenly popping up taking pics at the most random of places.

Ahah, I feel the same ^ ^ '

Can't be avoided if we frequent this sub, though

For real! Ahah

Everytime someone tells me the study of philosophy is boring I point them to films like these.

The Matrix was definitely the movie that made me realize philosophy is cool as heck and super interesting back in the day.

I specially love any media that dabble on the concept of identity or the Ship of Theseus problem. Like the movie The Sixth Day (2000, not far off from all these others) or the movie Replicas (this one much more recent, starring Keanu Reeves too, makes it feel so matrix).

I always read it was mainly Ghost in The Shell, Neuromancer and ultimately various philosophical works.

But I'm willing to bet it has tons of other sources of inspiration.

Also check out Dark City and ExistenZ.

Crazy how those two movies along with Thirteen Floor and The Matrix all came out in 1998-1999. All with very similar themes (even though each with their distinct style).

It's almost as if the end of the millennium was making every everyone question reality ^ ^

The rooftop sets from Dark City were even reused for the opening chase scene with Trinity in The Matrix.

Edit: heck, even The Truman Show was 1998! I think we're onto something here!

I can't believe I had to scroll so much to see Mob being mentioned. He definitely fits the description to a T.

It's funny to see Persona being mentioned right on the first comments, cause I was just about to say Yu Narukami from Persona 4.

In the game it's not as apparent, but his blank reactions and mannerisms in the anime makes it really clear.

I have a whole head canon about how that is why he started right off the bat with a persona (a mask), is the only one that can switch those masks around, and did not have to fight his shadow version, while all other characters had to defeat the shadow version of themselves (the deception they were presenting to the world) in order to find their own persona (mask) and make it work for them.

Some of them even think like that, actually. It is baffling.

Once I was cuddling with a short woman and I mentioned I found it cute she was so small when embracing her.

She immediately went "eew", said something about being a pedophile and shoved me away, and it all felt so hurtful.

This was a full grown woman, older than me even, talking about her OWN BODY.

So basically :

"I'm so short no one will ever like me :'("

"I like you! :) all body sizes are valid and I find you very attractive!"

"eeww, gross, get outta here pedo! D:"

Make it make sense...

Hey look, it's Boxxy's little sister

Well, thank you, you just made the Titanic disaster feel 1000x worse

The only right thing she said was her first sentence.

"okay, I am the problem"

Even as just a regular user, watching from the outside, it does feel like "startup inside a giant corporation" (being held back by bureaucracy) is the best way to describe Google. I've seen so many examples of missed opportunities that it feels like not understanding the value of its own tech is a recurring issue.

The most recent example was how it had the talent that pioneered transformers and basically kickstarted the on-going AI boom. Yet Google seems to have disregarded it up until they were already way behind on the race. It has been scrambling to keep up since then, only because of openAI and Microsoft.

I feel like this could have been written by me. At 34 years old, I've long come to accept that maybe there won't be anyone for me ever.

It just hurts as hell seeing all my friends doing it so easily throughout all the years that I've known them. And see them taking it for granted, cause they have never felt the pain of literally NEVER being chosen your entire life. It's like the concept does not compute in their minds, and it makes you feel even more lonely, cause you don't even have friends that can relate to your specific pain, so you could share it with them. They don't even question it anymore, or talk to me about my relationships, it like it has become the normal. Feels like I am a priest or something. I think if one day they'd saw me with someone they would find it really strange or at least only think about it then.

This is precisely why I just joined this sub. I was wondering if there was more people out there with the exact same problem, even though no good reason for it to be there (sometimes it feels like a curse, cause that feels more plausible than it just being really bad luck!) Like what are the odds? By now it should have happened even if by mere chance or even if I was actively trying to avoid it, but still nothing...

But yeah, in the past years I've grown much more used to just live life for me and actively try to forget about the lack of relationships. I still try to make connections, but much more passively and never put much of my heart/expectation into it, so I won't get even more hurt. The hurt, man. It just grows with each subsequent rejection. By now, it feels like 10000x point multiplier that keeps going with this combo that never broke.

So now, live has become bearable. Even pretty fun actually. It is just hard to avoid some of these down times, when our mind thinks back about relationships and this entire facet of life we're just missing and the FOMO hits you like a thousand knives. At my age there is already so much I've missed and know won't ever get to experience. It just hurts to see so many more opportunities that are out there passing by at this very moment.

I still feel grateful that my life is so good as it is. Good job, small group of good friends, great health, and so much entertainment and hobbies I love to focus on, and that I know are more than enough to fill several lifetimes (my movie/series/games/books list only grows never shrinks). It's just hard not to feel depressed whenever you wish you could share all this with someone special, or just hold then close for a few moments in silence, only to realize you never felt that and that there's a good chance you never will.

Sorry for the rant. Just wanted to share and basically tell you that you're definitely not alone with such problem. I know it helped me a bit reading your post and realizing I wasn't such a rare oddball after all. I guess even misery does love company 😅


I'm still on that fence.

Cautiously optimistic. But he has taken good strides.

Ever played r/TheGame?

Just deal with this one the same way.

Edit: btw, you just lost

This brings up some really sad memories.

Similar happened to our family pet, like 20 years ago, except she wasn't as lucky :(

She was barely a 2 year old snow white poodle called Maggie. She started sprinting across the road to bark at the large dog that used to be perched on a stone wall of a property on the other side. She was on a leash, but it was one of those that extends. It was so fast my mother did not have time to lock it and when the line reached the max, the handle straight out snapped out of her hand.

Bad luck would have it, it was the exact moment a car was passing by fast, and a wheel caught her by the head and it was over in an instant... there was no mess, but her skull was all fratured. She only had time to release a short yelp before the end (but probably just from the scare, a split second before it run her over, cause she wouldn't have time to yelp in the microsecond it happened).

I did not witness it but I still remember it to this day. I was home playing crash bandicoot wrath of cortex on my ps2 (could never play that game again), and just hear the most gut-wrenching cry from my mother outside. My mind immediatly went into panic, fearing the worst, and I rushed outside to see what happened, only to find her holding the lifeless body of our beloved pet, crying that she died and telling me to not come near. My younger sister was just coming down the stairs to the front door, scared, asking me what was happening and worried when she saw me crying. Without thinking, I could only tell her to go back upstairs, that "nothing happened", cause I just wanted to spare her the grief, but that was obviously inevitable.

My dad got there too, he is strong armed car mechanic that works in an autoshop adjacent to our family home. The kind of guy that always looks fearsome and stern, and I've never seen him as heartbroken as when he was crying holding our Maggie. My dad was her favorite of the family. At home, after lunch or dinner, she was always on his lap, and followed him everywhere.

It's been decades and we've had another poodle (that lived much much longer and had to be put down back in 2019) but we never forgot our first, even though we had her for not much more than a year back then.

Be careful with your pets, everyone.

Always have them on a regular leash, and educate them to be calm and not sprint after things to bark at.

Losing them feels like losing family.

:ClawS1: Ravenclaw

Yeah, that definitely was not the best way to go about it.