I promise you, it’s not fake😆 I started small like everyone else. Initial capital was 250k. I was buying 10-15 calls early on then learned what stocks to mess with and ones to stay away from. Overtime much like fausterion your sizing gets larger. Now any gain under 300k barely moves the needle.

I don’t sell any course nor have a discord.

Best advice I’ve learned is stay away junk companies, only invest in big cap money making machines I.e any of the mag 7. ETF’s are even better. Well then what’s your secret? I just have the balls to load up after 2-3 red days down. When bears are getting cocky after 3 down days and making ridiculously lower price targets is when I load up. Im also not afraid to take a loss if a trade of mine starts going negative. Always have a mental number as far as a entry and exit.

Ken Griffin “okay on Monday Vlad I need to unload some shorts how much to glitch the app?”

I forget what Robinhood charges per contract it’s not terrible. I thought it was 60 cents? Now I’m curious myself

I bought the 7/26’s when meta dipped to 492-493 last week. The 7/19’s I bought around 506 in price. I sold the 7/26’s right out of the shower this morning. I’d show the receipt but for some reason I can’t add a photo? When I click on photo it doesn’t give me an option to add from gallery

I would have to guess SF90 sales have slowed down to the point a new order requires no prior Ferrari ownership

Doesn’t feel like as many wsb’rs are in GME this go around? I’m not as well


Sold everything but 300 of the 6/14’s

Everyone who hates on Robinhood has every right too, I was a victim imo that day when I had 10k shares of AMD on the night of earnings when they restricted buying of AMD along with those 3-4 other stocks in order to protect the large funds that were shorting it. Imo AMD was going to run that night into next day if it wasn’t for that buying restriction


4-500k on AMD leaps bought right before the Ukraine war kicked off😂😂held them throughout all of 22’. Did not expect Amd to go from 125 down to 58 bucks. Would of been nice to know the fed was gonna spend the entire year of 22’ and the front half of 23’ fighting inflation.

Also about 360k on Sea Limited, it would of been nice to know when Goldman was gonna start liquidating Bill Whangs Chinese/South East Asian stocks in November of 21’ could of saved some money. Another lesson learned. Both losses taught me a lot. #1 never get attached to a stock/option. #2 Dont let a small loss turn into a big one. #3 the market can be irrational longer than you can stay sane🤣

I’m also amazed how many kids have $17 for a meal I do notice more kids getting cups for water though and leaving out the soda

You’re not wrong chipotle has gone downhill. The last 3 to 4 years increase prices less protein, horrible service the stock should be not where it’s at.

Below buying power It has to say “you have 120 GME Calls expiring Friday”

I was wondering why Google was doing so well last week I thought surely someone had to be shorting it from WSB😂

Been playing nonstop since it’s release in 17’ if you get an new Xbox X you’ll love the change in graphics. It’s just as fun as day one. It’s more polished as well