Mrkravin is pretty good if you like indie or more less known horror games.

I agree bro, I kind of miss the togetherness of the community. Everyone was on their knees begging for a RE2 style remake of a Silent Hill game… then we got a trailer for one and the community fell apart faster than you can say the word Bread.

A movie called Mad God. Very good claymation, the style is amazing, and took 30 years to produce….. but FOR ME, It was on ok experience but you might like it.

My favorite weird one though is gotta be Midsommar.

Now this makes me sad from an outside perspective but could someone explain to me why this is happening? Plus why this is bad? (I’m not trying to argue, I just don’t know anything about it and want some more information)

State of Decay 1-2

Dead island 1-2 + riptide

Dead rising 2-3 (only 2player)

Dying light 1-2

Resident evil 5 (only 2 player)

Left 4 dead 2 (Xbox only)

Zombie Army

Plants vs Zombies GW + GW2

Killing Floor 1-3

7 Days to Die

Now I don’t how many of these are cross platform, so I’m sorry if that is an issue with some of the ones I named.

Has anyone see the stuff Project-N made for Dead Island 2? DISCUSSION

I saw they had made a 28 Days later style poster and that movie is my all time favorite so i looked into it. They even have some ads/trailers for certain stuff in the game, and more movie style posters, I found the website that was producing them and it had some pretty sweet art linked to it, thought this was a cool find. Also i would assume a lot of this stuff made it into the artbook, sorry if this is just some art from that.

(This is not an Ad, just a cool website i found lol)

I love the movie and Dead Island 2 was my favorite game of last year soo this is amazing for me lol

Can someone explain this game to me? I want to buy it while it’s on sale but I’m kind of confused about it…QUESTION

So everything I have seen of this game is just about how bad it is but genuinely I kind of want to play it. It seems like it would be fun or something I would actually enjoy, but the only thing is I don’t how it works. I’ve seen some people say you shouldn’t play it because it’s a live service game… So what does that mean exactly? Do I need internet for it? If the servers are down does that mean I can’t play even though it’s single player? If my internet is bad will that affect anything?

It’s on sale for 30, so do you think It would be worth it for that price?

The ending of White Ferrari, the auto tune makes me feel actual peace

Can someone give me their opinion on if they think my thyroid is causing these issues?General Question/Discussion

So to start this out, my mom has had hyperthyroidism(Graves’ disease) and luckily I don’t think she has it anymore… or at least she says it’s not causing her issues.

Anyway, this year has been rocky health wise. I got diagnosed with Seborrheic dermatitis, my eyes have been having aches/pains, headaches, weight gain and a whole list of stuff.

But the reason for this post is that my left eye, which aches quite a lot, feels like it’s bulging out a lot more than my right. Like noticeably more… and now I am afraid I might have Graves’ disease like my mom, especially with all the symptoms and my eye.

My questions are.. in your opinion, should I get tests done? Can I get tests without having a doctor? Does this sound like something bad?

Bro… the exact same glitch happened on dead island 1 and I remember someone made a popular video on it. Crazy coincidence lol

Yeah, Meat canyon even reacted to it on his channel

I wonder why he didn’t mention the Huntin Wabbitz track or the Meat canyon sample

So my hair looks thin when wet and I can see more scalp but it looks thick when dry and can’t see any…. Hair Loss

So two months ago I started having scalp issues, regular dermatitis symptoms, and I waited a month before I went to the dermatologist. My scalp was more noticeable when my hair was wet so I made my appointment and went… Got put on clobetasol droppers, then I had to go back six weeks later. The derm said my hair looked good, he said it looked thick and said that if it starts getting thin I could try minoxidil…luckily he said I should be fine for a long while.

I went back, symptoms now mild, and they put me on this medicated shampoo on top of the droppers. My scalp is still just as noticeable when wet, but when it’s dry it’s just as thick as before the dermatitis…

So… I just want to know if this is normal? Is anyone else having or has had this issue? Am I just noticing it more since I’ve had to look at my scalp more? Does it ever stop looking this way?

Anyone know what I can do when it comes to swimming, I’m kind of self conscious about it and I kind of want to hide it. Plus it’s getting closer to summer so I need a way to hide it when I swim lol… any ideas?

The short message was actually good and we need to stop belittling anything past the first 4 games. Plus, if your only experience with the franchise is video essays or lore videos… You can’t comment on the games…

I think Faces by Mac Miller deserved an actual redux review instead of a video on the fantano channel

Soo I was told to use Ketoconazole shampoo 2% everyday, once a day…but when I look it up, everyone is saying not to do that. So what do I do?Product Question

So my dermatologist said to use this everyday, once a day, until my scalp start feeling better then I can go down to 2-3 times a week…. But everything I read about it is saying to use it starting out only 2-3 times a week… I’m not saying my derm is wrong, I’m just curious if anyone else has had to do that? And should I even do that?

Plus I also can continue Clobatesol on top of that, won’t that be too much for my scalp?

Soo I was told to use Ketoconazole shampoo 2% everyday, once a day…but when I look it up, everyone is saying not to do that. So what do I do?Product Question

So my dermatologist said to use this everyday, once a day, until my scalp start feeling better then I can go down to 2-3 times a week…. But everything I read about it is saying to use it starting out only 2-3 times a week… I’m not saying my derm is wrong, I’m just curious if anyone else has had to do that? And should I even do that?

Plus I also can continue Clobatesol on top of that, won’t that be too much for my scalp?

Please don’t downvote me.. but why wouldn’t Franklin be in the low honor tier? I’m just curious

Personally, I think you can just chalk it up as just relationship cheesiness…

I don’t know if that makes me feel better that you’ve caught that stuff…. Or makes me feel scared to get a camera lol