Like I already said, reading comprehension is important. Read my post again dipshit. I said I visit them every couple weeks. I hope you can get over yourself one day.

Like I already said in my post we have already cleaned the house out of all that and she still goes over there. That’s what it was at first but she still makes time to go there while telling me she can’t come to my house.

Thank you so much. This has me in tears you really nailed it. I know my parents support me but they wouldn’t be in my place ready to paint murals with me. We are miles away but this hits so much thank you for hearing me and validating me.

I’m sorry you had to go through this. I’m at the point where if I got the opportunity to relocate with my job I probably would. I actually think that I’d see my mom more if I moved away than now when I live so close to her and have been looking into relocation options for my job. I never thought I’d leave my hometown but always stayed here because family and that’s just not hitting the way it used to.

He’s definitely the favorite and I always knew it but it never bothered me like it is today because they are mad I won’t just put my own projects aside to come to his house when they never would do that for me

This is why it’s so hard because I won’t see her unless I make the effort and I want to see her I just wish she made the same effort that she does at his house. But I know I’m second fiddle and I know why but just having trouble because they are mad I won’t go there and got mad when I said I had my own house projects to do today

Unfortunately I’m very aware he’s her favorite and there’s been some other stuff too. But I also know that when it comes to managing their estate and elder care as they age I’d be the person that does it not him or my sister and they know that. Which might be petty but it’s part of why it bothers me that they devote so much of their time to him but expect me to just give my time to them.

I didn’t say I wanted them to support me I just want the opportunity to host them once in a while. Reading comprehension is important, sis. I appreciate them immensely I just want them to come to my house sometimes too.

I’m resentful to my mom for how much she visits and helps my younger brother with his new house but never comes over to mine

Pretty much what the title says. I (32F) bought my house almost 4 years ago and my dad who’s a handyman by trade has helped me with a lot and my mom has been kind helping me financially but she has only been to my house like 6 times in 4 years. We live within 20 min of each other and all have cars.

Recently my little brother (28M) bought out my mom and uncles to purchase my grandparents old house (also about 20 min away). The whole family including extended cousins/aunts/uncles have been there helping him with a lot and cleaning out the house. My mom has been over there more times in the last month than she has ever been at my house (while also helping him financially with much more money than she’s spent here). He’s been stripping the house and I get it at first because there was a lot of my grandparent’s stuff there but we already cleaned most of the house out and she is still going there regularly.

I should add that my mom has chronic pain and it’s difficult to get her to go anywhere usually because of this (understandably). But I have constantly asked her to come over and told her she could just lay in my expensive ass bed and just chill and it would be nice to hang but she never does (I go to see them at my parent’s house at least every few weeks).

Despite her pain which she cites as a reason to not come to my house, she continues to go over there while brushing me off when I say I’d really like her to come here too.

Today both her and my dad are over there and they keep asking me to come by but I’m working on my own house projects which I even asked my dad if he could come help me with something today but he said he would be over helping my brother instead.

It’s probably irrational but I even got into it with my other sister because she argued that it was the novelty of the new house and I don’t have that anymore but my mom wasn’t here when my house was new either. Sorry this is a boring off my chest but I just needed to air it somewhere. I am extra resentful because I know despite anything I will always make sure they are taken care of as they age and I can’t say the same for my brother and sister and I feel like my parents know that.

It is a fucking joke. Just sad especially now when everyone knows who Caitlin Clark is but can’t name one male college player. “They don’t bring in as much revenue” 🤡🤡 I live in Las Vegas and the hype behind the Aces here has been really great to watch. Looking forward to seeing it more widespread one day.

Seriously. The NCAA women’s tournament had more people tuning in than the men’s this year for March madness.

As an identical twin who was bullied by my sister for around 22 years I feel this. My parents never checked her either and she continues to be one of the most selfish and entitled individuals I’ve ever known. She also stole a boyfriend/potential twice (“you didn’t tell me you liked him though.” She fucking knew).

The only thing that ever changed her treatment to me was one day in our 20s when she tried to physically attack me (again) and I realized I was stronger than her for the first time ever and knocked her ass out. I’m normally a pacifist but she came at me and I was actually surprised when I knocked her out with one hit. It was the best day ever because she was actually humbled. Now she lives in my house because she never grew up enough to figure out her own shit but she knows she can’t treat me how she used to. And I make her pay more than my mortgage to live there.

I was coming here to post this too. Definitely nice guy.

I bet that didn’t feel great coming back up 😬

Greek Islands: Poseidon and the lost Apple Watch

Edited to put this at the top - TLDR: lost an earring in the ocean and magically found it

Just got back from a 12 day trip to Athens and the islands of Santorini, Paros, and Mykonos. We were actually supposed to visit Hydra and the Saronic islands but there was a safety issue with the boat so we had to divert. Ended up still being a fun trip despite the tourist crowds that we originally wanted to avoid.

Anyway! We had this tour guide (TG) from Athens who was an absolute character. He had the energy of a chihuahua and had so many people come up to say hi to him it seemed like he knew everyone in Athens (and had the hookups to prove it). I will be quoting his silliness for the rest of my life.

One of his many running jokes was that he was actually Poseidon and therefore we would have the best trip ever under his control. On day 6 his skills were put to the test.

We had taken a 7hr boat cruise from Paros to visit the Blue Lagoon and other gorgeous areas around the island. At one of our stops one of the tour members came up out of the water and said his Apple Watch was missing. We had all brought goggles so it was all hands on deck to see if we could find it. Minutes later TG comes up with the biggest smile on his face and the Apple Watch in his hand. Of course he found it because he is Poseidon! He gained lots of praise and definitely let it go to his head but it was so cute because of how much of a goofball he is. So wholesome!

Fast forward to a couple days later when we were in Mykonos. I was swimming at Paradise Beach and realized I had lost an earring. I was extra bummed because they had belonged to my grandmother and I got them after she died. Yes I realize I shouldn’t have been wearing them but they had made it through 8 days on the islands already and there was a personal meaning for me to honor my Gammy by keeping her with me on my travels.

So I mention to TG and the group that it was lost and of course “Poseidon” wanted to help. Him and I grabbed the goggles and were out looking for a few minutes. I went to the area I thought it was lost and kicked around. Suddenly I feel something stab into the heel of my foot and low and behold it’s the earring! No f**ing way I think as I quietly thank my Gammy for stabbing me in the foot and staying with me.

I swim over to where TG is looking and hand him the earring. He’s just as surprised as me but I tell him to take it and tell our group that yet again Poseidon has come through and found it. He says no but I say trust me just take the credit. So he does. Revels in the glory. And then off to the side thanks me saying he’s loving the attention 🤣🥰

As someone who as been disappointed more than once by a very tall man’s lack of large dick, I would just like to say: No.

As the only woman manager in a male dominated industry, I do my very best to give them the same commentary and “compliments” that I have received during my 6yr tenure. I can safely say I have the highest rate of engagement and morale on my team versus those run by the old boys club.

This is from the sex machine museum in Prague! Highly recommend to anyone visiting Old Town