I honestly don’t care about it either but it’s annoying that they don’t already complete from the past. I probably would have all of them or most accomplished which is sad tbh

Jay pharaoh is the best but Andrew is good

I went to general about and it’s at the bottom. 6F7

Israel does this too

I just called and said they don’t have any information on that

I mean he’s constantly reminded of him when his eye hurts, when he has surgeries, being asked about what happened. It would drive me crazy too when the person who did this to you and said would help pay and didn’t and back tracked and didn’t take responsibility.

Hope it’s not true. Keep us updated

I just called. She didn’t have information but the general manager will be in tomorrow and can let me know

I just called. She didn’t have information but the general manager will be in tomorrow and can let me know

Seriously I thought it was pretty funny at times

I thought so too. Some of things made me laugh. Knowing this guy is not real and just an act makes it entertaining

Awesome! Curious, How much is something like this worth?