Dude one teleported while it was stunned leading to some of us yelling like little girls

I guess gotta prank the shit outa you in weird and unexpected ways ig

When my brain dead teammates have enough notes to spawn the prime evil and just don’t . So I only play with a fire team i know so I can call out stuff and also the few guys I do play with are super good at invading while I’m more hit or miss

It is a complement, her haircut and eyes really match and looks really nice. Also a messmer cosplay would be real cool. Definitely embodies that souls energy that fromsoft was going for.

Yeah so like you have a real bad medical condition, you shouldn’t be passing out from them. Like sure heavy flow and real bad pain are common but passing out is like urgent care/ER level of problems. Get a referral to a gynecologist to check out your problem

It’s fucking 90 degrees in California it’s too hot for soup

Someone explained he was actually supposed to have a internal monologue so that kinda just makes sense as to why it felt weird that he was just there

Oh man that sucks, can’t even say more or less harmless jokes anymore can you

My field even has trenches but they’re not deep enough and so you kinda have to pray the brush is enough to help you out

Same and the ending just added insult to injury when it came to confusing me. Idk if I’d take this over characters being plainly just stupid in movies but it sure was something

Season 2 had a lot of characters doing nothing while stuff should’ve been happening in the background like during the demons sieging the academy city and the capitals MC should’ve been like talking while actually doing soemthing about it because him sitting there and watching while shit was going down felt kinda unnatural or just odd just mostly stuff like that

Monkefornian gold panner (Communist Caveperson) 🏳️‍🌈☭:ca-flag:

Eh it’s hard to quantify because if you solely talk about inner city than yeah probably but I do include the entire city which includes the valley all the way up to almost Anaheim. But solely inner city yeah that place sucks. Also like one chunk of the valley sucks too

You were so close to me, mines august 24th

Monkefornian gold panner (Communist Caveperson) 🏳️‍🌈☭:ca-flag:

Depends where you’re going some parts are just clean and other parts are just crap. Not just talking about the rich folk areas either it just changes. Inner city is about as dirty as your average area at the strip though

Monkefornian gold panner (Communist Caveperson) 🏳️‍🌈☭:ca-flag:

Tbh I haven’t been to San Fran, shits kinda a different world up there but regardless unless it’s skid row I’d say they about on par for shitty parts and reasonably passable areas

I think I’d rather trust going to my local homeless camp and ask them for insider info

Monkefornian gold panner (Communist Caveperson) 🏳️‍🌈☭:ca-flag:

Bruh Nevada’s main city is Vegas and that place smells like weed or shit. I have been around the actual city. The smells aren’t helped by the extreme heat