You thought that a T-shirt talking about “pussy” was family friendly?

I don’t see Dominion anywhere on that page so they may be speaking of mobile.

This drives me crazy every time I go to a drive-through. I asked what I would like to order. I mentioned Orr and say please at the end. I get no acknowledgment other than “pull up to the window“. At the window, they just say “$10.87“. They don’t ask me for money and they certainly don’t say please. When I give them the money, they don’t say thank you. It makes me feel old, but it bothers me every single time.

Yes, and yes, I feel that they suffer because of the genes I passed on to them.

Thank you, kind and compassionate stranger. /s

May you not experience the same pain I did. I would not wish it on anyone.

I understand all of the above. I was a stay at home mom. I devoted my life to my children’s happiness. I have loved and supported them through all their life choices. One is bisexual, I fully supported her. I have not been judgmental. I have done my best. I have consistently told them how much I love them and am proud of them. Both of them told me the separation was not about me. I continue to do my best. You can judge if you like. I was being very vulnerable posting a response to this. Tear me down if it makes you feel better about yourself.

Gosh, how amazing to meet a psychic! What else can you tell me about my life??

Yes, I know the reasons as I have spoken with my kids. It wasn’t about me.

I’m so sorry, this happened to me too. The amount of pain I felt was unbelievable.

My daughter cut off contact for 3 years with no explanation. When she got back in contact she let me know she had been having severe mental health issues. A few months later, my son broke off contact with no explanation. 6 months later he told me he was struggling a lot with mental health issues. I wish I understood better what I could do to ease their pain. It breaks my heart.

Are you saying you agree with the statement “nobody gets on women When they outright say that they want to kill every man”? Is that an accurate statement? That seems to be such a bizarre thing to me. I am sure that there was somebody somewhere that has said such a thing. I cannot imagine that they have said such a thing and not had somebody say “that is not an OK thing to say”.

Ahhhhh. Then, absolutely ignore me. I have never seen batting like that.

I have tons of Neurotypical friends. I make allowances for the way their brains work, and they do the same for me. I guess I’m just lucky.

Yes, their brains process things differently than ours. That doesn’t mean you have to be uncomfortable around them. We can be comfortable around people that are different from us.

Please don’t try to pre-wash your cotton batting. It’s not designed to be washed without being quilted. You can confirm this by looking at the packaging and seeing how far apart the quilting needs to be. Let’s say it says 5 inches. But if you are putting it in the washing machine is without quilting, then it is not secured every 5 inches and it is bound to fall apart. It doesn’t matter if you pre-wash your fabric or not.

I have certainly never heard a woman saying that they want to kill every man. If a woman did say such a thing, I would think there was something very very wrong with them. Neurotypical people are people each one is an individual. I think it’s a bad idea always to put people into groups and then classify them that way. Isn’t that one of the reasons racism is so bad?

I understand sarcasm. I am sarcastic. But I don’t understand pretending to be upset about something to the point where people feel you are actually upset. Maybe I’m misunderstanding.

Oh, I see. I still think we’re no jewelry would be fine, but that’s just me. By the way, I also think it’s absolutely nuts that your Friend is trying to dictate what people wear in terms of jewelry. I am amazed when I read, read it and see how crazy brides have gotten.

I guess I’m confused. I don’t understand why jewelry would be mandatory? Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve always thought of jewelry as a very optional thing.

The simple solution that would cost you nothing at all, would just be to not wear jewelry.

Thank you for saying this. I thought I was crazy here. No, I don’t understand either. Why would you pretend to be upset about something?

How would charging more actually help solve this issue?

People are downvoting you, but I am also older and I agree. It looks like a child is writing. Words convey meaning. There is no need to accompany those words with little pictures. We only see that in children’s books. And the internet! I certainly scroll past any dating profiles full of emojis, but they probably scroll past me too!