I wasn’t the one who said anything. I was merely clarifying what appeared to be a misunderstanding.

Also, no.

Think it’s more pointing out the hypocrisy of being fine with a white man bringing religion into politics, but dedicating the entire news cycle to it when a non-white woman does.

For the record, I disagree strongly with anyone bringing any religion to politics.

I love the infamous “where is he getting all those thumbs?” line. I genuinely can’t believe it got published, let alone saw success.

It’s hilarious how many people will defend split-push champs because “macro is a skill as well.” Yeah no shit, and the mentally afk zombie right clicking to path top lane and hit a tower with 0 regard for the rest of the game has absolutely no macro.

Fuck Yorick, fuck Sion, fuck Illaoi, fuck Trundle, and fuck Tryndamere. The dumbest champs in the game. Riot adding hullbreaker was one of the worst decisions they’ve ever made.

Never read the books, but from what I’ve heard, it’s horrifically poorly written. Doesn’t surprise me that letting the author have creative input in the movie made it worse.

How to tell when someone is stupid: 1. They say something stupid and then say “basic biology”.

I’ve got a masters in biology, and everything you said is dumb. Keep walking.

Skyrim released 6 months after the first season of game of thrones. What do you mean it felt like “another game of thrones rip off”?

I’m glad you enjoyed. I’ve got lots of little facts and trivia, I love to learn and share them!

Petrichor comes from two Greek words. “Petra”, mean rock, and “Ichor” which was the blood of the gods in Greek mythology.

The smell itself is caused by aerosols released by bacteria in the earth following rain called “geosmin”. Humans can smell it in 10 parts per trillion. For context, sharks smell blood in water at 1 part per million.

Yes, the Christian parties are also all idiots. I didn’t misspeak when I generalised with “religion”.

Someone who rose to internet infamy for their sonic fan made character and story, and was then bullied online. She was recently released from prison after being convicted for raping her demented 79 year old mother. Not sure if there’s been any developments, but it was believed she was transferred to a psychiatric institution, as she was clearly very unwell (believed our universe was about to merge with her fictional one that her damage characters inhabited and that she’d be ruler of).

The story is much longer and more fucked up than that, but that’s a quick summary from what I can remember/gather from a quick google.

So what would change things? Also, you know that judges often order reparations and fine people for wasting the courts time? This is a made up issue to justify giving fascists more power. Nothing else.

So what would change things? Also, you know that judges often order reparations and fine people for wasting the courts time? This is a made up issue to justify giving fascists more power. Nothing else.

Here’s an idea, don’t break laws? What sort of boot licking bull shit is “politicians should be able to break laws because otherwise someone might threaten to say they did?”

People are too afraid of the kind of change necessary to fix this problem. Realistically, nothing is going to change as long as we vote for the main parties.

This problem happened under their watch. They’ve done nothing to address it. Why would they suddenly change their tune?

God forbid we vote another party into government though.

Fair enough to have personal dislike, I have champs like that. I was more just disagreeing with the way the comments were painting him as some problematic overpowered character.

IMO he’s one of the most fairly designed and balanced champs in the game. I don’t play him either, in case it looks like I’m bias.

You can dodge it, but it also has a long cooldown. I really don’t get why you’re acting like Rammus is a problematic champ. He’s essentially useless without a teammate to back him up.

Do you mean his Q, which you can cancel, or his ult?

Idk what to tell you man, but he’s countered by mages. Seems like a skill diff.

Rammus prioritises armour. Mages should be the ones killing him, unless they drafted and built like trash.

Also, walk away from him. Thats literally his counter. CC to stop his roll, and then walk away. Congrats, you’ve just countered Rammus.

Add onto that, cats are devastating for native wildlife. An average feral cat will kill approximately 2 animals a day. Pet cats kill an average of 3 animals a week. Approximately 70% of pet cats are able to leave the house. Around 20% of those owners are unaware of their cat being able to leave the house.

Cat owners also assume their cat is not killing animals, because it’s well fed. That’s not true. Cats will kill, or even just maim prey for fun. Of those they don’t eat, rarely will they bring them to their owners so it’s unlikely the owner would know.

Cats are the apex predators in virtually every ecosystem they’ve evolved in. While you might assume we’ve bred that out of them, that’s not true. Being a responsible cat owner means keeping your cat locked inside at all times, and providing them an enriching environment to keep them happy.

Less “smell”, more “feel”. I’d imagine it’s more akin to feeling the hairs on your arms tickled by static electricity.