I guess I knew I’d 2015 when I voted for him That he slept with her. Other prosecutors declined to prosecute. It takes a new one and a judge who’s daughter is a fund raiser for dems, and he himself donated to alBiden to rhen come up with charges and instructions to convict him Seems a little fishy Hillary paid some fines for basically same thing, misappropriation of funds.

It’s the thickness that triggers it. I bent the trigger back a bit and it works fine now

I would just leave now. Goto her boss and explain why and turn in your key

Sounds like you were assualted and your life threatened. I would call the police. You should not have to deal with that at work.

No, you are fine to leave. Its business. Do you think he would mortgage his house to keep you around if things were slow? Clearly they dont value you that much if they didnt offer you any more money.

What did the engineer you hired say? Let us guess, this was from a lumber company. Buyer beware

File a small claims court with them. Make them work to deny it more.

Dont. Block her and move on with life. She delt a hand she wants to lose.

Alot of moeny is having 50% of your income to do with whatever you want.

I would not be caught dead drinking plain water from a can. Now, where is my Dasani??

It’s working good, I bent the trigger out a bit

If you question everything, at what point do you stop?

Thats what the client hired the arch for.

To be honest, I have started to break it down by the amount of CAD work I will do too. Figure 1500$ per sheet, and then figure each plan is a sheet, and then the appropriate details. Of course this is for new construction.

Residential a bit less, I dont go super crazy with details

Nothing goes out the door for less than $500, even if a simple beam design that takes 10 mins.

450 psf design load?

Job security for engineers

Not really. it would stiffen the board. You still have shear issues perhaps at the end, but I doubt they are controlling.

Better way would just be a beam line down the middle.