It's super mundane sounding, but my wife scratches my back with a level of skill that is hard to describe. It's one of the greatest things I've ever felt.

C'mon, he had a Studer on the first one and did additional recording and mixing in pro studios. He also had great instruments. I hear you, but he had an edge over the typical amateur of today.

I've watched exceptionally talented pro producers do remarkable things with Melodyne. Subtle minor adjustments with sublime finesse. I think it's mostly about who's running the desk and how talented they are.

Most professional full band recordings do not use a click. Click tracks are for amateurs & beginners.

I'm a 7" vinyl collector. I can completely understand how they fall into obscurity.

Cock : File Under Easy Listening

It's building blocks. Takes time, but once you've got an established brand and a bit of a catalog (and hopefully a small hit or two), things become more affordable and self sustaining. You can afford a regular new release cycle.

I do it also by not giving away every track via streaming. There's no real money in free music unless you're very popular.

I've lost friends to lsd. Taking it often makes some people completely fall apart.

She seems super intense to me in her socials. Intense is fine at work, but i have my limits with it at home.