I love the idea of storing the boxes in the guest room. That’s my level of petty 😆

Stop working so hard to accommodate them! Let them see how much of an inconvenience this is! It’s extremely rude of them to want to stay and even visit you when you are still in the process of moving. Your SO is also a jerk for not putting his foot down either.

Let him run around getting things ready for HIS parents. UGH!!


It’s also bad that she keeps rubbing her snitching in OPs face.

Sounds like parents didn’t teach her at a young age that no one likes a tattle tale. Mom is completely wrong in saying that she’s just ‘young’. Most humans learn this lesson at age 6.

No one is stopping you.

As a non religious person I still find they are very good words to live by

NTA I can’t believe your mom’s excuse was ‘no one’s perfect.’

I’m sorry what? No one is perfect, but she set the bar low. It’s disgusting that she allowed that to continue.

Sorry OP, you shouldn’t have had that happen. It was never an accident and your mom is wrong for supporting him and considering going back to him.

Ahh gotcha. Yeah I wouldn’t want a war either. I’ve watched too many episodes of Fear Thy Neighbor. Maybe you could have a polite conversation first? You shouldn’t have to live in an environment where your neighbors are bullies.

I wouldn’t stop smoking in my own home.

There’s probably a good reason she doesn’t have female friends. Could be her behavior and personality. As a female myself, I wouldn’t want to hang around someone like this. Maybe it’s that others are keeping a distance or maybe she considers other females competition and doesn’t want them getting too close of her circle of men friends.

Either way, sounds like you’re in a tough spot since her BF is your good friend.

Edit: spelling

Can you file a complaint and Strata them for blocking your car? Take plenty of pics. Turnabout is fair play.

Sorry if the use of the word Strata is wrong here. American here and I’m not familiar with the term. 😊

NTA for being upset that plans weren’t made especially since you asked for a birthday dinner. I completely understand feeling undervalued.

Did you communicate this to your partner? What was the response?

Oof. Sorry OP! She sounds mentally exhausting. Based on your post, once you realized what happened, you distanced yourself from the other person and it sounds like you were there for friend A since she became even more of a friend after.

What exactly does she want you to do at this point? I think your friendship would have shown her that you do support her.

She sounds like she’s the kind of person that needs to have constant attention and if she gets upset at you doing things without her that’s a red flag. You are your own person and allowed to do things and have relationships outside of her. Are you in a romantic relationship with her?

Her comments are completely in appropriate in the workplace. Not to mention inappropriate everywhere else. She’s damaging your reputation for something you had no part of.

She’s not a friend.

Edit YNTA she is though.

I’m dealing with a similar situation. I’m in the process of negotiating a settlement with the other driver’s insurance and it’s awful! Do not give in! The insurance company wants to take possession of my car before agreeing to a fair price. Absolutely not!! Not giving up my car because then I have nothing to bargain with. Fortunately my body shop guy is a friend and is storing my car even though insurance is refusing to pay anymore storage fees.

Too many times they expect you to just go along with what they want. They thrive on people who just don’t want to deal with it and then you end up getting pushed around and hosed.

My attorney is now handling our claim. Let them deal with them. Just don’t expect a settlement quickly.

NTJ you’re allowed to have knives as they are the tool of your trade. That is absolutely ridiculous and I would have told the officers as much.

NTA. The fact that she’s still blaming you for all of it means maybe you two aren’t compatible as a couple. Nothing will have changed on her side. You have to decide if you want to live with that.

Personally I would be one and done. Getting back together would be too much for me since she’s not even willing to reflect or grow as a person.

Just talk with him. He doesn’t know it’s an issue for you. Hopefully once you explain he doesn’t do it again.

It basically means she shouldn’t judge you because then she’ll be judged. It all comes down to living the golden rule which a lot of hypocritical religious people can’t seem to do.

Treat others the way you want to be treated. Everyone wants love and respect, including your step mom….so she needs to treat you the way she wants to be treated.

Omg my husband does the double slap on things he’s hauling and says that’s not going anywhere 🤣 It’s a running joke at our house.

Haha! A real man doesn’t need a fork. Fingers have sufficed since the days of the caveman 😂