Leave her. Just because she’s pretty doesn’t excuse her being an asshole. You deserve better.

She’s basically telling you she’s better than you and that she’s settled. Mate, you don’t need that kind of BS in your life. It’ll wear you down. You’re young. Go find someone who appreciates you for you.


Just because she does it doesn’t mean you have to. What you did was out of line. I get why you did it, but that doesn’t make it right. For all your complaining about what Ella does, you just gave up the moral high round and stooped to her level.

If I’m not provided lounge access I don’t work. Simple. It’s enough of a hassle to travel, without having to fit in actually working during the physical act of traveling.

If the company expects you to work when you’re at the airport they should pay for business class or lounge access. Different if you’re your own boss and it’s your company though.

And the government wonders where all the money is supposed to be that they know is in circulation but can’t trace.

One amusing impartial visit to the MCG to watch Carlton vs Collingwood, there was a Collingwood fan sat near us, all on his own.

For the entire match all he said was:

Hands boys. Hands. Yes. Hands. Hands boys. Yes. Hands. Hands. Hands. Yes boys. Hands.

Then learn to look busy. It’s a skill that absolutely will serve you well in the big real world.

It’s almost as if they’ve got wise to people grabbing the sign on bonus then cancelling the card, eh. Who’d have thought.

I’d recommend hubby go get his own damned pants if he’s that fussy. There’s only so much you can do to help people that clearly don’t want to help themselves…

Let him wear denim and let him complain. It’s the only way he’s going to learn. And this has the added bonus of saving you money if he doesn’t complain.

Retail, as a shop assistant in a camping store or a gun shop. Part time of course.

Hard to pick three!

Assuming it’s a dedicated track bike, and you already have a trailer to get it to the track and proper riding gear (one piece leathers, back and chest protector, etc)

1) Track specific swaps to remove all the road gear. Fit race fairings, remove all the lights, removing the side stand, fit rear stand spools etc

2) add crash protection stuff like fitting engine covers, chain guard, etc. don’t fit oggy knobs or crash knobs. All they’ll do is dig in and flip the bike and bend the frame. It’s better if the bike slides.

3) next thing would be race tyres and a set of tyre warmers and a front and rear stand. Ideally a spare set of wheels too.

After all that, I’d probably look to fit braided front brake lines and a decent set of pads. Once that was done, I’d get a suspension change. Front and rear, with spring rates and valving to suit the bike and your weight.

Do those first then start looking at nice to haves such as a tune, new zorst, gearing, chain swap, rear sets, etc.

Also, get used to fixing and doing your own maintenance. I used to change my oil and filter after three track days. I could probably have made it last longer but I figure oil and filter is cheaper than a new engine.

I didn’t read all your post. Didn’t have to. I only got as far as “grand expensive affair that my parents and I are paying for” to know you’re NTA.


Your family are monsters. But you already know this.

Don’t quit your job, don’t lose weight for anyone other than yourself, don’t pay for someone else’s wedding, and definitely don’t throw your savings away for someone else’s benefit.

Edit: now I have read the whole post, it just got worse! Hopefully you get YOUR mone6 back, but it needs to go someplace no one else can get to it.

You’re being discriminated against for not having kids. I’d be calling this bullshit out with the manager, and then with HR if the manager doesn’t drop it.

Because it’s the bedroom.

The reason why someone would insist on this being in the bedroom is the exact reason why I wouldn’t want it in the bedroom.

Edit: this is only if the bf and OP are living together and sleeping in the same bed. If they weren’t living together then it’s her bedroom to do with as she sees fit. But when they’re living together it becomes their bedroom.

It would be a dealbreaker for me, but then again this would have been discussed way before I committed to moving in together.

It’s in the bedroom they share. That’s not fair on the new husband.

I would move the little display to a different room. Doesn’t need to be hidden, but you don’t want your wife’s deceased ex in your bedroom. I’m surprised none of you can see how the issue would be resolved here fact the shrine is in the bedroom, not the fact it exists.

Edit… boyfriend. Slightly different but still, I wouldn’t want it in my bedroom either. Any other room in the house would be ok. Just not my/our bedroom.

Been in Adelaide 20 years and the retail trading hours just continue to confuse me. The exceptions for different suburbs then the massive differences between “country” and “metro” hours is nuts.

The 5pm closing on Saturdays to me is odd, and then you get certain public holidays wheee buntings can open but no one else, but in the country everything is open, and then other times in the metro area where jetty road or harbour town are open but nowhere else is.

Be interesting to see what pressure Ducati can put on VR46. Aldeguer being a Spaniard might go against the VR46 philosophy of promoting young Italian talent. Which then leaves the only seat open to Fermin as the one alongside Alex at Gresini.

Leaving a job early is fine. You can say it wasn’t a good fit or was not what you were told it was, and left because of this. Thats perfectly acceptable if it’s only been a few weeks.

I haven’t been the kind of sick that makes me think “this feels like it’s not Just A Cold I should test for Covid or flu”. I’ve had enough doses of deadly manflu to know that it’s just manflu and nothing more sinister.

I’m kinda lucky… approaching 50 and never had flu. I had Fresher’s Flu in my first term of uni and that stuck around for six weeks, but that was fairly common for first year uni students.

Can’t stand it. It’s a circle jerk soggy biscuit wankfest. Finally got too much a few months ago and deleted my account. Fuck linked in and fuck those idiots that use it.

And they wonder why guys only want sex when you’re bringing nothing but looks to the table

She wants another kid but doesn’t want sex with you.

You need to decide what to do. Here are your choices:

Have another kid, but accept you’ll not get your needs met ever again with her

Refuse another kid, then have her resent you for it, and withhold sex even more than currently

Leave, because you’re simply incompatible.

It sucks you have kids in the mix, but this situation is not going to get any better. It will only get worse and you will end up resenting her. This is what always happens. I’ve been there myself. Things were mostly ok but then all the other little disagreements take on more weight and you will eventually end up asking yourself “what do I get out of this relationship?”

You are still young, and everyone deserves the right to feel valued and loved and desired. You are only going to end up divorcing anyway, and the longer it goes on the more the resentment about this will build.

Best of luck with whatever you decide, but I would at the very least recommend absolutely not having another kid. You’re not happy now, and another kid won’t do anything but make it worse.

I used to chuckle because on commentary it always sounded like they were saying “Antonio Joe, the nazi” and once I thought of that it was all I could hear.

I didn’t mind Italian Jesus.

Yeah but thick gravy or thin gravy…. Wars have been fought over less…

If your food isn’t floating there isn’t enough gravy

I feel bad but I actually liked that stuff!