MyselfšŸ¤£ I fucking hate politicians. I don't understand why there has to be a republican side and a democratic side. Why cant we just be one. Vote for a politician that relates to our beliefs, that wants to do our country some good and not be in it for themselves. We don't need all this unnecessary spending when our tax dollars can be put to use in better programs. We dump a stupid amount of money to stuff that isn't necessary. Sometimes I wish I could become a politician so I can help my community. Like actually get results but no way in hell am I putting up with politic bullshit. Everyone in there is in it for the money and for themselves and the politicians that aren't like that r pushed out.

No it's not weird. I was always into race car driving when I was younger so I couldn't wait to be behind the wheel. Plus I had never experienced or even seen a car accident so I wasn't ever scared to drive. I was 15 when I got my permit and right before i turned 16 i got my license. My friend who is now 21, I'm 24, hasn't ever been taught correctly. She was scared to drive and anytime she did drive, the person micro managed her and yelled a lot. So that didn't help her so I did. Her mom, her dad, her boyfriends mom, and his cousin. All tried and failed to teach her. So I eased her into it. We started slow, I explained exactly what she did wrong kindly and explained how to do it correctly and gave her solutions to situations she could get into on the road. I even taught her things like parking by showing her too. She was also a visual learner so seeing how I did it helped her do it. It's been a couple months and she's been doing pretty decent on highways. Next step is the Expressway when she's comfortable enough

Did u know Native Americans are most closely related to East Asians in Siberia. There was a theory back in the day that Chinese and Japanese(The Jomon) migrated across the northern rim of the pacific ocean, was like a land bridge before the ocean covered it, and that's how Native Americans came to be but that theory was debunked and through genetic testing for ancient research found that the closest relation to Native Americans is East Asians in Siberia.

Currently going through that. We'll I didn't technically lose my job but it felt like I did. I got a shoulder labral tear working at an Amazon warehouse. Mke6 is the building name. Workman's comp had me seeing this stupid doc that wouldn't do anything but give me xrays and PT. Even tho I asked for an mri. 10 months go by, no pay, no relief. Debt increased, couldn't pay rent, didn't have a car. So I got a lawyer and found my own doc. Mri showed labral tear level 3 so I got surgery, started getting paid. Pay lasted 8 months because my bicep wasn't getting better so they denied liability. Bicep was affected with the labral tear, labral healed so they did what they did and stopped paying me. Got bicep surgery 8 months ago. Got 2 weeks of therapy left and then my lawyer can settle the case. He's looping my bicep injury with my labral injury so there forced to cover it. So I'm never going back to work there so I'm currently trying to find a job that can work around my physical therapy and what's worse is that I'm going to college soon so I have to find one that works around that schedule as wellšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø

Anything sugary. Ugh I have a nac for chocolate and cinnamon. I'll drive 40 minutes out of the way for some Cinnabon when I have extra money, I mean I rarely ever get it but when I do, I'll grab a 6pk and end up eating 2 a day and those bitches are bigšŸ¤£. The other thing is chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake, or brownies. If I smoke some weed, u best believe that's all I'm craving whether it's accessible or not in the housešŸ¤£

U know I don't get that either. Sure u can say it's the easiest but that's dumb. Id feel like it would be just as easy to categorize people by their height and weight instead of by their pigmentation. Sure when u do that people can't visually depict someone solely on height and weight. U can say their tall and fat but someone will picture a white guy unless u specifically say their pigmentation for example.

Everything I've always wanted. Sky diving, scuba diving, flying a plane, swimming with sharks, renting a nasty sports car and racing it, visiting South Korea and finally wing gliding off of Eagles Peak in yosemite CA through the valley

I'm planning to get buried in a pod, that's planted in a nationally protected forest where seeds are placed with me and I become the fertilizer and basically become a tree. Then instead of my family visiting a gravesite, they can visit me in the forest where they can have a picnic and just chill with me

Well it's hard to vet a guy unless u get to know them. It's not like u can just vet purely off of what they put on their profile and if they "look like" theyre the relationship type.

I find it's harder for younger women to find a relationship because ya their young and a lot of young men aren't ready for a serious relationship or to settle down. And the ones that are in relationships constantly cheat. Not all guys r like that but at a young age a lot of them are. So I can see how women have a difficult time finding a man who doesn't want a hookup

Well there r many factors that play in this. For one, the porn industry is pretty safe. Women aren't forced to take a job and each individual it tested clean from all stds before taking the job. Prostitution has a lot of risks. Prostitutes can be forced to take jobs by pimps, prostitutes can get an std from the wrong customer, the customer can end up hurting the Prostitute. A lot of prostitutes r murdered every year while porn stars r not. Porn stars get paid thousands of bucks while some prostitutes will suck a dick for 20 bucks

Sounds like a great idea accept that we can't control what they experience outside the community for the experiment because I feel like having people conduct an experiment like that inside a gated community has its limits. Nobody wants to be locked up for a month+. There happiness would probably dwindle unless the experiment is done on a wider scale with a bigger area. Like there's not too much to do in my area so I'm always traveling a town or a few towns over to do stuff that contributes to my happiness. I just feel like a gated community for an experiment would feel suffocating after a couple weeks.

I mean technically if everyone minding there own business the world would be great. There'd be no crimes since nobody getting into eachother business. I mean robbing a store is getting in the owners business. Murdering someone is getting in the victims business so if nobody was in eachothers business things would be fine. Faults with that tho would be nobody helping eachother out. If u need help moving, growing vegetables, starting a fire, building a home. Nobody gonna help cuz it's not their business. Maybe the loop hole there would be money since u can buy services, etc.

I'll pour a glass and just end up leaving it there after a sip or 2. I can only really get in the mood for drinking when I'm with friends, family or at a social event. Gaming with my friends if there drinking gets me to drink with them even if there across states

Why would they have these green pills in a baggie? If it was a prescription u would've gone to the doctor and the medicine they would be giving u out a bottle. Idk seems sus. Definitely look at the pill numbers and look that shit up. Gotta make sure there prescribed and not some street pills or something. I do know of parents getting pills for their kids off the streets because it's cheaper but idk if thats the case for this or not. How old r u? If ur at least over 16, the doctor should be telling u to ur face what ur getting prescribed. It shouldn't be kept secret between ur doc and ur parents. Which is y I find this very sus

I got stung by a stingray on top of my foot between the big toe and the toe next to that. Hit me right in the bone and released its venom. It was a hit and run. At first I thought a crab pinched me and was holding on. I started walking towards the shore and when I can finally see my foot there's nothing there but this mark. As soon as I exited the water the pain started. Slowly getting worse and worse. Then this woman poured fresh cold water on it to help but apparently that's the worst fucking thing to do so in that moment the pain shot up to 100 and was excruciating. Had to get driven on a golf cart to the medical area on the beach where I saw so many other people wincing in pain because they also got hit by stingray. None of em had em in the foot tho it was like there calves and shit. They used all their buckets so they had to dig a whole in the sand and put a bag in there with hot water so I can put my foot in there and soak it. I could not stop wincing in pain. Holding my breath and grunting horribly was the only time my foot pain was manageable. It was soo painful that I couldn't even cry. This happened in San Diego and it was the day before comic con so I had to walk around with a crutch the whole time I was there before flying back to Chicago. Got an xray and it showed that the stingray also fractured my foot and then a week after I noticed my wound wasn't trying to heal so after some testing it was discovered I had flesh eating bacteria from the ocean that got into my wound so I had to take antibiotics till it started to heal. Took 2 months for my wound to close up. And since then if I'm active on my feet, my veins around the wound that travel to my big toe as well turn purple instead of blue.

Tom Cruise because he needs to stop funding scientology


But when i say juice I'm referring to the 2pac movie Juice where Juice means respect, influence, power, and authority.

No. I'm 24 about to start college. Although I had no clue what I wanted to do in life and I got a back injury when I was 19 and then after working for Amazon got a bad shoulder injury at 22 and workman's comp made me see a dumbass doc who wouldn't do an mri on my shoulder and just kept giving me physical therapy scripts for 10 months because the xray looked fine. Then I said fuck em and found my own doc, a lawyer, then I started getting paid and my doc did an mri to see that I had a labral tear so I got surgery. 8 months later my labral was fine but my bicep wasn't because my doc didn't cut and reattach it which is part of a SLAP repair since I was young and 90% of the time a patient that young doesn't need it cut. I was in the 10% that needed it. So workman's comp denied covering my bicep and stopped paying me. I got the bicep surgery later last year and I have 2 weeks of therapy left so my lawyer can close the case out and settle. I'm gonna use that money to go to college and finally get my life going how I want it.

Not a movie quote but these funny ass brothers on tiktok me and my siblings always quote them. I forgot one of the brothers names but the other brothers name is Carrington. One brother says in a spoiled rich British kid accent "Fathah, I want the nanny gone and I want her gone NNNNNNNOOWWW" while the other brother Carrington plays the crazy British rich kid who says "FAZA I KILLED THE DAWG" or "FAZA I FED THE NANNY TO THE DAWG"šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

We just can't stop quoting themšŸ˜­

Fentynal. Never been addicted myself but had too many friends who were, couldn't stay clean, overdosed many times. I see whole ass county's taken over from that shit. Some people I knew who sold that shit, got arrested because of that shit and see on the news about young people dying from that shit all the time. Fentynal is just horrible and really addictive. Makes people act like their off heroin, nodding off and shit. I've seen dealers get addicted to that shit. Thank God I've never liked pain pills. Any type of narcotic just makes me nauseous and makes me throw up too so I'm glad I've never been interested in that drug or any drugs unless u consider Marijuana one.