You are a schizo if you think that rooster teeth shut down because of go woke go broke holy shit take your meds

I’m trans, I play video games, probably have been playing them longer than a lot of people posting here, and I want pronouns in every game. Especially now that I know it’s so upsetting for you. We won’t stop until everything is hit with the wokeness beam

DEI breaks capitalist systems? What? Is it communists running the companies implementing DEI measures, or is it capitalists who see DEI as a way to increase profitability.

Come on man don’t be a sucker lol

No orthodox Marxist gives a fuck about DEI, just saying.

Right so what you are saying is that DEI isn’t Marxist unless we say Marxism is anyone who is influenced by Marx at all (revisionists)

So Marx wrote about class conflict and not DEI?

Can you point me to where Marx wrote about DEI, or are you just talking out of your ass?

If “your shit” is the means of production, then communists believe it should be COMMUNALLY owned.

People on this sub ate that shit up too lol

Bottom character design looks better. Wtf if the woman on the top wearing a skin tight leotard into battle for 💀

Imagine if 30k people got exposed to something dumb you said on the internet. People as big as asmon have deranged fans that will go to great lengths to harass any moron on the internet. Look at people defending Doc, they are deranged people; these guys are in asmons audience too. When the content is “let me make fun of this random guy who said something stupid and woke on the internet,” it’s an invitation for a fan to get “in” on it and get attention from their favorite streamer. Have you ever heard of swatting?

The point is, I have seen like 20 threads now about what is essentially “twitter drama,” and it’s not very good content.

Not to mention the guy is clearly just farming all the negative attention lmfao

The assertion that democrats are “left” really gives it away lmao

Under communism there will be no “free speech.” The party will purge all opportunists and counterrevolutionaries. The “right,” to free speech, like all negative rights that came as a result of the bourgeois revolution, are necessarily bourgeois right.

Honestly who gives a shit. If someone wants to play godmode and just look at the lore and narrative then let them. It’s not like dragon age was ever about how hard the game was lol

In a surprise to no one, it was a bunch of white boys larping as Japanese to get mad about ubislop.

Of course, just the other day this sub was eating it up because it validates their rage.

The Duchamp urinal is awesome lol

Transgender Woman (she/her)

He definitely killed himself ONLY because “brain sex” (which is a totally nebulous concept that only emerges from statistical averages) and certainly not because John Money repeatedly sexually abused him.

Kink at pride discourse is so fucking stupid man the whole point of pride is to be proud and unashamed of ones queerness. It’s come a long way from its origins when people want to capitulate to goofballs like you who demand that queers behave in ways that are acceptable to cishetero society, and in doing so, disavowing the transgression that has been the driving force of queer oppression historically.

Sorry you might see a cock and balls at pride, if it upsets you then you can stay home and not go. The event is for queers to be unashamed of who we fuck and how we fuck, not some thing cissyhets can bring their kids to as some sort of cultural tourism destination.

It must have been really traumatizing seeing a man in a thong if you still think about him 25 years later. That, or he is forever burned into the deepest part of your spank bank.

Transgender Woman (she/her)

I’ve literally never heard anyone irl talk about Dylan mulvaney lol

15k people, half of which are probably white boys from America larping as Japanese a la Kenji Yamamoto signed a petition about a game that will sell millions of copies