It is currently one of the most expensive places to live in the U.S.

I think it's awesome. Very stylist and your personal approach shines in these sketches. I would leave it, but I'm not an artist and I know your brain works differently. Do what you feel is right!

So two black boxes can become one? Normally I agree, but here the lesser of two evils is to keep them separated. I'm sure the lighting is better in person but here they both look like a dark pit.

OP: Highly recommend some color. You could change out the rug for anything else besides black that matches your taste and it would improve the look. If you aren't budging on what's already here try getting some color from pillows just to add some depth.

Seems to be sold out there and I'm not seeing it for anywhere less than $120

I'm just one person but my decision to not invest time in this game is solely to blame on the ability that I can't just play it. There are an unnecessary number of blockades in my way.

Are you using water from your tap directly? Ferns can be really sensitive to hard water. The white spots could be it getting rid of all those extra minerals which could also be burning the sensitive tips. My succulents also will push minerals out of their leaves. You could trying running your two water through a filter and see if that helps, all of this assuming you aren't already doing that...

... I have no idea how I missed that this had a series? I've seen both movies and even backed the original Kickstarter. Apparently it had 25 episodes??

Some insects like to go dormant in soil. I'm no expert, but that might have been what happened to you then.

I haven't played much (about half way through act 1) but as a 5e DND player I crawled into an early grave then started rolling in it when I read spell save of 24 lol

Weird week for the game. Keep up the good work. Mistakes happen but that is how we learn and grow. Sounds like it was a rough night, thanks for giving this game your all. We appreciate you.

I'm actually that newbie who was thinking this was a good way to get into the hobby. What a first impression this has made 🤣

Looks pretty good, are the dots part of the piece or are they some kind of guideline for the artist?

Same performers? Kind of hard to track these things

Others have said it but I am going to echo and repeat that I can't walk around a stop, especially those in parks recording things without looking suspicious or worse having action taken against me.

Then I get hit as soon as I step in the next room :8907:

I am curious about the landscape framing, is the shop about to move through the cliffs?

How in the world did you get this lol