After seeing that, I want to have the Ken player's babies

bro wtf are you doing, put him down. you're only enabling his suffering otherwise.

64000??? Are there any actual URLs that even get close to this length?

Thank you for this info. I'm a fit, smaller fellow who's never going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but hearing this helped me understand that you can excel even if I'm not huge =)

I just learned about it from this thread, but I'll definitely be using it from now on!

Does anyone happen to know if there's a way to get viewing cages to work on dedicated servers? It's been hard not having a Pal storage option on my dedicated world so far--

You're cuter than Roger, and that's saying something~ <3

I LOVE IT!!! You did an awesome job!

You even added the whale sculpture, that's awesome!!!

I agree with the message but this picture is one of the most cursed things I've ever seen.

damn if you pause at the end you see him going through the windshield--

Guilty Gear isn't a gentleman's fighter like Street Fighter, it's a "hold my blockstring" fighter. As a fellow Ram main, put him in the corner and make him learn XD

Maybe in general, but as someone who is going through job hunting and dating right now NOBODY wants you to admit inadequacy. To anything, ever. You better be an 11/10 or your ass gets the door.

Nearly busted a gut reading this, thank you for posting it XD

I'd like to learn more. Is that colonialism and land stealing still at the heart of the conflict, or has it mostly become a case of violence creating new violence?