With divisions going away, competing for the CCG will be significant.


I get 69% of actual game watching time by my estimation. Not as high, but still ridiculous.

I should also add, just to clarify, I did not have the timer running at all during the 20 minute halftime. For whatever reason, The Athletic in their coverage doesn't think that time should be counted against the networks when it comes to adding up their commercial time. But yeah, the fact the schools and networks are making this much money and the players get none of that is criminal.

3:48 minute broadcast. I had a stopwatch running when the game was on. Grand total: 2:37. That's ri-damn-diculous. At least we were rewarded with the win.

Here's an idea: when Stanford and Cal are added, and the conference gets to 20 teams, there will need to be divisions. Hmm, what to name two 10-team divisions in this new super conference... Let's call them, the Pac 10 and the Big 10.

Bob and Doug McKenzie taught me this in the 80s. It has served me well.

Underrated comment. Well played.

I did this, and it worked...until it didn't. The crooks in the Iowa state tax office worked with the speed camera crooks in Cedar Rapids and got their pound of flesh 4 FRIGGIN YEARS AFTER my wife had originally gotten the ticket in the mail.

All quiet on the Bernie socialism-post front...

The ONLY way any of this matters, and I say this with utmost sincerity, is if, IF, we allow ourselves, as a collective, to be defined by the number of likes/dislikes associated with ANY of the "social media" platforms we find ourseles on.

These platforms, owned by the ultra-rich, seem to be designed to keep us fighting over scraps while those who benefit from our hatred of each other continue to profit.

It should be no surprise that any government is using these tools to push whatever agenda they deem fit. Don't blame the institution, it exists as a means unto itself in this way.

No message of "unity" or "greater good" can truly land until we're able, as a collective, to agree to the core principle of the sanctity of life. It's the reason any of us who are lucky to be alive at this moment are still here, and for my money is as noble a reason as any to keep fighting for our right as a species to exist.

tldr: don't hate the player, hate the game.