Like how as a mage I can be at max range from a hunter and shimmer away twice and he’s still hitting me….

Inception and the Dark Knight. Michael Caine, Joseph Gordon levitt, and Leonardo’s wife from inception whose name escapes me. And Baine.

Halo 2. I had won tournaments on halo 1 and was so pumped we had more than an all-nighter to play and it was awesome

You are just intellectually phase locked

She has a crush on HIM. Why does that make him a bad guy if he doesn’t like her?

He sees the phone ringing and says “I just don’t have the bandwidth to deal with that girl crushing on me right now. I’ll text her later”

I’m a duelist at best in pvp but hate failing so I always stop at rival and switch characters. I suck at pve because I hate relying on others and I always fall asleep waiting on other people to repair and summon and eat and run back and rez. Hate M+ and only do LFR for vault on alts and just farm mounts that i like

I pvp and when that gets stale I level alts. Then I pvp on the alts. When that gets stale I farm mounts. When that gets stale I look at achievements I’ve almost completed and complete those. When that gets stale I play hearthstone.

Read my comment again. It isn’t about you having the drive. It is about completely not thinking about something that you know is important to your significant other. Why should your birthday be important to him? He never thinks about it, so why should he apologize. It doesn’t make sense. If it is important to someone you care about, you should think about it more than never. Whether you desire it or not, you should think about it.

Will druids have that talent where they can steal another classes talent? I might play Druid. Will priest have the ability to life swap with their shafowfiend? I might play priest. Otherwise I’m playing mage and then rogue like I always do

Total and utter disregard for another person’s feelings is called sociopathic. And not apologizing for zero empathy is another sign. Best of luck

If your husband knew that him not thinking about what to plant around the mailbox would make you feel unwanted and undesirable and sad and angry and think about leaving, I’m pretty sure he would make it a point to think about what to plant around the mailbox more than never. That’s what is so ridiculous about this excuse. If you know it is important to your partner and you don’t think about it at all, you are an asshole.

That kid would be learning from a video screen in the janitor’s closet before he’d be allowed back in my classroom if I were that teacher.

I sat in LFG last night on 465 holy pally and queued for every single M0 and for half an hour never got accepted to one.

I hated all 32 seconds of all 14 games that I played. Keybinds were weird. Never landed in a decent spot. Everyone who had played for ages ravaged my corpse. Yuck.

I’ve only had a few migraines ever. I once played halo 2 for like 8 hours and started getting headache so I drove home and when I got there I threw up in the sink and slept for like 18 hours and it went away

Not going into the military. I have so many friends that did military and they have the best stories and lifetime camaraderie with everyone else who has been in that club. I read military books, I listen to military podcasts, I watch military movies. And now I’m too old. I didn’t go because of a girl that I didn’t even end up with.

I was in solo shuffle the other night and this ret pally had no idea where his healer was in 6/6 rounds. He flamed me in group chat (I was on holy pally) and he won a whole round and I won 2. Then he decided to flame me in whisper as well. All this at 1400 rating. Do they not realize they are at the same rating? It’s odd behavior for sure