This is a normal lead time in book publishing

It’s a steal but you shouldn’t trim your trees during the summer. All of our trees are already suffering due to drought + winter storms over the past few years. Trimming them now can threaten their already precarious health

Girl I’m so sorry, but this relationship should be over. Guys don’t get on dating apps just to make friends, and even if he did, he’d tell you if that was the case. He’s absolutely done this before. It’s easy to hide who you truly are when you’re long distance.

I was in a long distance relationship with a man I described just like you described your bf before this happen. I thought he was heaven sent—kind, honest, emotionally available and validating.

Turned out he was living a second life. I was in complete denial about it because my brain couldn’t reconcile the person I thought I knew with the person he was. This made me stay for too long only to get betrayed in deeper, more destructive ways. You seem like a very intelligent and thoughtful person. Leave this man and date someone who deserves you.

YTA for laughing, but not for not wanting to be a SAHM

When she told YOU what happened you immediately blamed her, calling her stupid. Why the hell would she feel safe sharing this with the police.

Why make that assumption? OP said nothing about that. No one usually talks about Jess Malone in this sub so when OP brought her up, many of us took it as an opportunity to speculate on what we suspect (including me 😇) This is a weirdly confrontational response to OP’s innocuous post

You could instead make it your business to be supportive? Wild, I know.

Eh people date their coworkers all the time

My little queer heart really hopes she and Jess are dating because it really seems like it sometimes

Why would anyone want to diminish someone else’s excitement? There’s literally no problem if she likes these nails. No one should make it their business to let her know they don’t like them unless she asks.

I feel like this only really applies if OP asks for feedback. In this case, they didn’t. They’re just sharing that they’re excited about their nails

According to Citizen multiple people require medical attention

Ok now you’re just lying. Do you not realize that people saw your whole twitter history? This was not just one tweet. You’re obviously a trump supporter

What are you talking about? He absolutely doubled down and said he doesn’t care, he’s not getting canceled for this. Why are you doing backflips to defend him when you clearly have very little information

I’m not saying Karl posted your comment; I’m saying he posted that tweet. He even confirmed as much in an email. So who’s a stupid internet user? Lol

Lol get a job bro. This is so obviously fake. Lifetime has made this movie 378292 times

New Subredditor :snoo_dealwithit:

I hate to defend a man, but I completely agree with you. Rob has been incredibly clear. He seems like a reasonably genuine and emotionally intelligent person. People are so eager to make him a villain for some reason

Literally no one said that. You’re just making the assumption because OP is a woman 🤡

You’re doing backflips to justify male behavior. Its ok. You’ll learn.

We don’t need to be diagnosing someone with autism here