I make sour Cherry cordial from my tree every year. My fave is 2 oz cordial, 4 oz OJ, 2 oz club soda. Garnish with mariachi o cherry.

I’d love to be able to claim that quote, but it was actually quoted by Andy Rooney a couple of decades ago

I have a friend who worked as an emergency department nurse for 20 years before leaving that job and becoming a chef. Oddly enough, her experience with exhaustion, no brakes, constant pressure, and volatile situations in an emergency department prepared her perfectly for kitchen work. Everyone around her would be freaking out during a busy service and she would just be calm as shit. I asked her about it once and she said “nobody is gonna die if I fuck up a dish”. She was head chef within five years and opened up her own restaurant shortly there after.

Well, 13 and 18 isn’t that far off either, but we all know that the maturity difference between those ages is massive. Same goes for 18 and 19 and 25. Maturity and life experience in those ages is a massive difference. Brain, chemistry and maturity is extremely different between those ages that is why age gaps in teens and 20s are so extreme. It’s no big deal to date somebody seven years younger when you’re 35 because you’ve all caught up to each other. But, of course, perverted men are always going to hive some sort of excuse to warrant asserting there, power in dominance over someone with less. 

Which is why we have laws about these things now, because parents cannot be relied on to protect their children, unfortunately. 

What are you talking about? The incident was witnessed by the children and the staff of the plane. It wasn’t just some fabrication. 

I think when you get ass drunk and assault your own child, that’s going to change your relationship with that child, and the other ones. I’m pretty sure it probably wasn’t the first time. How many chances are people supposed to give? Here’s a thing. Nobody owes you a second chance if someone gives it to you that’s a gift, but it should never be expected.

Well, considering him and Jess are no longer together…. Although, I think it’s interesting that everybody’s like “he was young let’s forgive him. He deserves a second chance.!”, but if a woman went around, screwing all those guys and fucking them over, you’d be calling her a whore, and label her forever.

I know he says he’s dating to marry, but he seems desperate. You can’t fall in love with somebody I want to spend their life with them over three days on reality show. That’s not realistic. He’s one of those guys who craves novelty. As soon as he gets to have sex, and the initial rush of being with someone wears off, he will be quickly onto the next. It just makes me feel bad because she has a child and hopefully he did not meet the child and green himself into her life before he cheats on Jess and they broke up.

I did a lot of trial and error when I was young, but by the time I hit 40 I knew exactly the products I liked and keep my collection pretty tight. Are used to have dozens of products, and now I literally have one type of eyeliner I like, one eyeshadow palette, I like, one foundation I like one concealer, one powder, rouge and one mascara, and that’s it.

Finding good pigmented eye shadow that actually blends well. It’s either not pigmented and blend beautifully or it’s super pigmented and goes on in chunks and you have to blend for a really long time to make it not look terrible.

Perhaps it’s Michael Franti, and spearhead sound of sunshine?

Yep, white men get a pass on a lot of things, even though so many of them think they are suppressed. 

Which is disgusting. Lizzo has backup dancers complaining. She made inappropriate comments, and she gets canceled. Nobody even knows if these allegations are true. A man fucks literal under age girls, brags about it, and gets a pass.

My oldest son lives with me, but I have a huge house but  he is working and has his own life so we see each other in passing. Usually after work, I come home, have a glass of wine or coffee depending on what time I’m off work(I work shift work). I have a breakfast nook that overlooks my garden, and that is usually where I sit. I will check my email or message back friends that have texted me. Then I will tidy up the house if it needs it. Make dinner for myself and sometimes my son, depending on my shift and his shift. Then I will listen to music or play guitar or go out with friends, depending on the night and again, what my shift is. I do a lot of work in my garden. When the weather is good, I will often go for a short hike as I live in the area with many amazing trails. A couple of times a week. I will have a friend or two over for dinner, because I love to cook and entertain. 

I’ve been looking into getting into jiu-jitsu again, but unfortunately, the Academy close to my house just closed. I do go to the gym about three times a week, but I would actually rather do some sort of sport. 

Agree. And all the boys in the show would’ve been in college at that age either on scholarship or parents funding their education. Penny didn’t have that. 

I work in a hospital. If I put in the bare minimum, it can harm patients. I always put everything into it. Do I get recognized for that? Not really, but that’s not the point is it? 


I agree with this. People like to shit on all of these young women who wanted transactional relationships with Hef. Newsflash. Hef  wanted transactional relationships as well. No man over 40 who isn’t in complete delusion, thinks a young beautiful woman is going to be with him just because she likes his personality and who he is as a person. If Hefner had had a regular job, he’d be lucky to get a hand job from Roseanne Barr. He wasn’t stupid. He knew the relationships were transactional, and that’s what he wanted because he wanted access to young and beautiful. And most of all he wanted power over them . He didn’t want a partner.  he wanted a possession. A show piece. It was transactional on both sides. 

It blows me away that now people are acting surprised and pissed off that these young women actually grew up and their frontal lobes developed and have something to say. You can’t deny that the nature of those relationships was predatory. Mary McConnell often said “he likes wounded birds”. Meaning that Hefner would signal out the girls that had low self-esteem, or came from a bad situation. He knew those women were more likely to engage in a transactional relationship. He knew they were more vulnerable. Many many women went in and out of the Playboy world and didn’t get hooked up in the abuse. If you look carefully, it’s usually the women who had something going on for themselves. Came from a good family. Had a back up plan after the Playboy stint ended. 

He’s compensating. Guy is 5 foot four. Wife recently left him because he cheats. She supported his ass for the first 10 years of their marriage, and he repays her by cheating on her.

This was not unusual for the time. Which is not a good excuse. Jimmy page was famous for Bangin, groupies as young as 12 and 13 years old. They seem to think that as long as the girls were willing, it was totally OK. Disgusting behavior. I don’t care what time in history it was. 

I mean, if all I had to do all day was read books, watch TV, work out, and play games? Not have to worry about paying a mortgage or bills or going to work? Sign me fucking up.

That’s the whole point of the movie really. That men are wilfully ignorant of what it’s like for women to move through the dating world. Ignorant of how threatening they are, even if they don’t think they are personally. They take a Woman, refusing them as license to be abusive and frightening. 

Because if a woman rejects you, yeah, it feels shitty, but you lick your wounds and move on. You don’t stock her and try to kidnap her. When women are rejected by men, we usually just avoid that guy after. We will call our girlfriends and eat some chocolate ice cream and cry for a couple of days and then we move on. Never does. It occur to us that we should try to kidnap that guy and force him to be your boyfriend. 

It just blows my mind that so many men think that being rejected justifies, being violent or cruel, or obsessive towards a woman. Like somehow, the fact that she rejected, you means that she is deserving of your abuse.

I noticed this to right from the very beginning. He constantly “negged” her. Trying to assert his dominance and make her feel less than so that she would stoop to dating him. He likes that she was young and inexperienced, because methods like this often work on younger women who haven’t figured out who they are yet, and whose frontal lobes have not yet fully developed.  Talking about how she has “no personality” is not fair since she’s probably like 20 years old and we are all figuring it out at that age. He’s a 34 year old man. He knows better. He just doesn’t care. He wants her, he’s  lonely and horny. He pays attention to her. So he thinks he’s owed her attention. 

 Again, almost every young women go through this. Often many times over. I am now in my 40s and I have a daughter that age. When I see men over a certain age sniffing around her? My first instinct is to cut their fucking dick off.

This absolutely resonates with me. I remember when I was in my late teens in early 20s. A lot of older men would pursue me. I wasn’t into older men, but I went on a date with a couple of them because I was trying to be open minded. What I learned is that men over a certain age who predominantly want to date women in the 18 to 25 category are on large complete losers. I’m not saying that they’re poor. Although that is often the case. Just that they are usually socially awkward, sexually an adequate, have a brace of personalities and women their own age who have a little bit of experience and wisdom behind them, won’t date them. So they focus on very young women, because of their lack of experience. 

These are exactly the same guys who freak out when they are rejected in any way. These are the guys that will throw a lot of money at a young girl, get serious very very quickly and go out of their way in an uncomfortable amount to get her attention. They think that if they give her enough presents and enough attention that she owes him hers. 

This is not just me ranting. Almost every young girl, and Woman has experience this in her life. It isn’t until you are in your mid 20s and your frontal lobe is developed that you look back and realize how predatory and fucked up it was for some guy almost your dad’s age to try to get close to you that way..

I kind of saw the way that she treated him as somewhat of a role reversal. Men often string women along, sleep with them, even though they don’t really like them just because they’re bored and want an ego stroke. 

She feels conflicted, because even though she doesn’t really like him, she likes the attention. 

I guess you missed the whole part in the last season when he tried to push bag it onto the casting couch…