Meh. I think the "the all band together to fight the bad guys" trope a bit overused. Besides, I think the point of the story is: there is no bad guys and good guys, and they can't work together because they have radically different views. Aurelia isn't worse than Rasc who is trying to genocide his way through Barya.

HoMM4 had smaller scale campaigns too, and it was a nice change. Just people doing their thing and trying to survive in a new world. Same thing for the standalone campaigns of HOMM3. It can work too. 

I don't think well get a closure on every individual story through a DLC. ie. I don't think we'll play Rasc, Cecilia, Hillar or Ghibli again. But I'm pretty sure we'll meet them, either as allies or opponents, and learn what happened to them after the events of the main game.

The first dlc steam page mentions how the character will try to get revenge on Cecilia. Maybe he'll kill her, conquer the Stoutheart barony, etc.

Moins une minorité ? C'est quoi ta source ?

Il y a moins de gauchers forcés de devenir droitiers, mais la proportion de gaucher est toujours a peu près le même il me semble.

Yeah. An actual angevin kingdom would either have been France, or still England and France ruled separately and as two different entities by the same person.

Prise d'otage parce qu'elle et son époux étaient en grande difficulté financière, qui s'est terminée des que quelqu'un a bien voulu discuter avec elle. C'est pas ça qui va lui donner une mauvaise image.

Piquer dans les caisses des restos du coeur, en revanche...

Mais au final, ça n'intéresse que les gens qui n'ont pas compris que les votants RN se foutent complètement du profile des candidats, et veulent juste tout faire péter.

Dude. This is France. People speak french. What do you expect?

You might find a job, but it will be either very hard to find, or a shitty job where you'll be paid minimum wage washing dishes or cleaning hotel rooms.

Espérons ! :)

Dans le même genre, qui m'avait bcp marqué aussi quand j'étais ado, il y a la citadelle des ombres de robin hobb. Si jamais ça te dit 👍

On peut dire la même chose de la gauche qui méprise les ruraux, les ploucs et les "fachos" depuis Mitterrand, sans se demander pourquoi les gens qui sont censés voter pour elle l'abandonnent. L'un ne va pas sans l'autre IMO.

Ben si fréro. Je sais que c'est dur à comprendre, mais la France, c'est une culture, des traditions, une histoire. Si des gens viennent ici et, au choix, reproduisent la culture et le mode de vie de leur pays d'origine, vivent uniquement avec des gens venus du même pays qu'eux, refusent plus ou moins ouvertement les lois locales, ben forcément que leurs enfants ne seront pas regardés comme Français par les autochtones, même s'ils ont les papiers qui disent le contraire.

Ça serait pareil dans n'importe quel pays en fait. Prétendre le contraire, c'est se voiler la face.

Toutes les dissolutions sont restées dans l'histoire. Celle-ci risque de l'être, soit parce qu'elle va mener à une majorité absolue du RN (peut probable) soit a une absence de majorité.

Et il y aura bien quelqu'un pour sortir un bouquin expliquant comment on en est arrivé là.

The RN still hasn't won and may very well be defeated. All will depends on how the center and right voters will act next Sunday.

That being said, it all depends on where you're from and why you're here. French people are fed up with immigration from Africa and the Middle East and that won't change, no matter the election' results. If you're from Europe or the America, I don't think you'll have any problem, even if the RN wins.

Je les ai lus. 

Peu de gens parlent des livres parce que ce n'a jamais été un immense succès comme Le SDA ou HP. 

Surtout, s'il y a eu une énorme période de hype autour de cette œuvre, elle est retombée comme un soufflé avec la dernière saison bâclée et saccagée de la série. Peut-être que plus de gens se seraient lancé dans la lecture des livres sans cette fin assez naze.

Au final, comme dit plus haut, cela importe peu : je suis persuadé que Martin a perdu la foi et ne parviendra jamais à écrire la fin.

Least insane Français progressiste qui vient expliquer la vie aux autres peuples.

Age of empires 2 definitive edition is still king and probably has a bigger player base than all the games named here combined.

Comme tu le dis, beaucoup de gens, une fois les études terminées, gardent un noyau d'amis d'enfance/de longue date dont ils tentent de rester proches malgré la distance. 

A côté de ça, tu peux te faire des amis au boulot, en pratiquant des hobbies... Mais ça reste plus difficile avec des gens qui, justement, ont gardé ce noyau d'amis, tout simplement parce qu'avoir des amis, ça demande du temps et des efforts, ressources qu'on a de moins en moins au fil que la vie avance.

J'ai des amis dont je suis très proche mais que je vois rarement, et des très bons potes rencontrés au boulot ou au sport, que je vous beaucoup plus. C'est pas la même relation, mais c'est comme ça.

The Soviets for WW2 and the French for WW1, why?

Savant Idiot 😍

Wow, the only remaining leftist party that replaced the socialist party polled as well as the far right party created by former nazis that used to be seen as extremist by the french population. Great success.

Beside, since 2022, things have changed. LFI has plunged head first into the Palestine-related culture war, in a bid to suck up muslims' votes. Mélenchon has purged the party from all the popular figures (Ruffin, Autain). The "le bruit et la fureur" made sure that it is, more than the RN, seen as the extremist, hateful party nowadays, and that Mélenchon is seen as a threat for democracy. Centrists (and even some moderate leftists) will absolutely not vote for a LFI candidate nowadays (unless maybe for someone like Ruffin).

Constantinople was sieged and sacked in 1204 by crusaders that weren't originally planning to do it and whose leadership spent more time bickering than planning the attack.

Constantinople wasn't invincible. The Ottomans were just ass at sieging, until they learnt and weren't anymore.

Savant Idiot 😍

The left at 29% is the Parti socialist, that used to be one of the two main french political parties, Melenchon's LFI that is loathed by the 80 % of the French population that will never vote for it, the parti communiste (4% on a good day), the greens (who used to range from 4% to 14% depending on the election) and even the trotsks of NPA.

When the entire french left somehow manage to make a coalition and don't even reach 30 %, I think it's not a good sign. Especially when your coalition has people like Hollande and LFIste whose only line is to suck up the minorities to get their vote. The NFP probably wouldn't last two months if it managed to win the elections.

The determining factor is: will the barrage republicain still function? If the right and the centrists start voting for the RN against LFI (which is very likely), then the RN will win by a landside. Otherwise, it's pretty likely no one will get a majority.

Savant Idiot 😍

People have been saying Macron had to call for elections since the yellow vests. There's no point in time where the RN doesn't win by a landslide since 2018.

What is gonna make or break is how the NFP and Ensemble give up on the race whenever there are three candidates left.

I didn't like her in the first few missions because she seemed like a complete psychopath who wouldn't listen to her friends and advisors who told her to calm down and be more lenient. 

I think she improves by the end of the campaign and become more tolerant thanks to her alliance with the faeys. I hope we'll learn more about those characters in the future campaigns.

That being said, Aldus and Roderick are the real chads.