That's cool

She's pro abortion, pro LGBT rights, she wants green energy.

I don't see her option on the USA, immigration from South America, or Cartels. Granted I'm not from Mexico and never heard of her till this. If anyone knows her political options on those matters that would be cool if you could share

Simple fix just stop using Twitter/X

instead use Threads, reddit, Facebook, tiktok, and/or Instagram.

Don't link to or share anything related to Twitter/X. Just act like it doesn't exist/matter.

Less daily users = less revenue, power, and attention for Elon

I'm wondering how this is considered funny or a meme

When I think of alpha I think of an early version of a program or application, typically unstable and normally full of bugs.

Or I'll think of alpha radiation, which occurs when the nucleus of an atom becomes unstable

Either way though I'd just assume that person is unstable.

Honestly though you can buy them on Amazon too. Most brands have their own Amazon store like Starrett and mitutoyo for example.

Kinda hard to see but kinda looks like a weevil

On a 40 hour week it's honestly easy to do all the cooking, cleaning, and household errands.

You'll only be able to socialize like 1 day a week though.

Normally I'll have to be at work for 58 - 70 hours a week though.

It would pretty much give me enough time to do the cleaning and some errands done in one day in a week, the rest of the week was just work, shower, cook/eat, and then sleep. Normally I'd have errands I'd have to push off till a later time as well so I wouldn't get everything done and socializing isn't possible really unless I skipped out on all cleaning and errands on that one day

I use FW wizard for drills and reamers all the time and it always turns out nice

Algebra and geometry is the name of the game.

Using sin/cosin/tan are important

Bank swaps.

Banks work together to store your money across multiple banks so you don't pass 250k in one bank allowing you to stay covered. You'd be able to access it all off one card. They'd charge you a monthly fee to do this.

They also store money in bonds, stocks, gold, silver, art, and property.

Which won't happen, at the very least not in our lifetime

We literally have a large amount of the population wanting a fascist dictator who would pump every drop of oil and gas if he could

Even looking past the US, Canada is leaning more right and want to undo things like the carbon tax

You have places like Argentina going libertarian

Like all over the whole world people are leaning away from what you are talking about

So again you are going back to being in a fantasy that is impossible

I don't know, I guess I'm just not as ignorant as you, I truly couldn't imagine wanting/waiting for a fantasy that is completely impossible, it would make me far more depressed as I'm smart enough to know that those things are impossible

All environmentally friendly companies literally are looking out for their balance sheets by innovation....

It's why green energy companies prices for installation keep going down

It's why car companies all over the world are making EV and hybrid cars

It's why people are trying to make more meat realistic plant based food

Besides that though breakthroughs for helping the ocean would be wonderful but has no profits tied to them sadly (as far as I know, maybe you can make money on it, I'm not sure)

Ocean habitats such as seagrasses and mangroves, along with their associated food webs, can sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at rates up to four times higher than terrestrial forests can.

oceanic plankton — drifting plants, algae, and some bacteria that can photosynthesize. One particular species, Prochlorococcus, is the smallest photosynthetic organism on Earth. The little bacteria also produces up to 20% of the oxygen in our entire biosphere.

No one would do it in their 4 year if they wanted to be reelected. That's a 2nd term thing and is still far more realistic than what you are saying.

Besides what we are already doing (throwing money at it with the infrastructure bill and inflation reduction act) the only realistic option is a carbon tax.

Besides that the government won't/can't do anything more then that

It becomes more of putting hope on major breakthroughs in the private sector

Living in a fantasy isn't going to fix any of the world's problems.

Your imagination would require a time machine to be any help for the environment...

You wanna imagine something imagine getting a carbon tax like Canada has (increasing the tax every year till 2030 when it hits it's max)

It would force a faster transition from oil/gas to green energy while also leaving time to get the projects online so people don't die from just spiking inflation (which your imagination would cause if you just cut off oil/gas as of now)

You're talking about what-ifs which means you're living in a fantasy.

Even if Biden started all that they would still pick oil and gas for the short term, they might build more solar/wind now (although we are already building a lot with the infrastructure bill and inflation reduction bill so maybe not) but that would only be helpful AFTER they are finished being built.

For what you want you'd need this stuff have been being built since the early 2000s if not sooner

I'm just saying be realistic and look at the whole picture instead of living in a fantasy.

8% became upper income earners now (19% total)

3% became lower income earners now (30% total)

And 51% are still middle income earners

I get this is the environment subreddit but you have to look at the whole picture.

Let's say there was no more new oil/gas.... Inflation would be a LOT worse lowering Biden's chances of winning again leading to Trump who would sell even more oil/gas rights as well as rolling back even more from the EPA and stopping solar and wind energy investments, he also wants to get rid of all EVs and would probably pull us out of the Paris climate agreement again.

The whole picture is a lot more complicated than it seems.

:flag-mi: Michigan

I wonder how it'll affect voters who identify as independent.

1 out of 10 Republicans is still not bad. Any more votes for Biden or at the very least less votes for Trump is a good thing in my book

Tech companies are highly reliant on loans for growth

You mix in that it is a publicly traded company so they have to try to mix growth while still making a profit to make shareholders happy and you get them laying off higher paid Americans and hiring people in India and Mexico. Especially when work from home shows that you really don't need people in the physical location to do the job.

Sadly I don't have the skills for tech work, I'd personally move to somewhere cheap like the Philippines, Thailand, or somewhere else and get a job for a big tech company. You'd make less than an American but would make a whole lot more than anyone else in that country where cost of living is cheap.

Greed is 100% for sure apart of it. Greed of the gaming company and every other business/person the gaming company directly and indirectly deal with

but it isn't the only thing.

You have to remember that most things are finite and will run out causing prices to go up like utility bills, Land becomes more scarce because there's an ever increasing population so property values go up increasing rent/mortgages/taxes, because of these increases employees want more money so wages go up, climate change affecting insurance prices and causing damages that need to be fixed and so on.

Everything is connected so two things that seem unrelated are still affecting each other, although it's a lot more than just 2 things so I guess it's more like a spider web of cause and affect.

Companies are bad I don't disagree with you so keep sticking it to the man!

But if you were genuinely interested in the reason why they go up, it is because the prices for using servers go up, they probably buy better and better hardware, employees wages go up, utilities go up, and R&D costs. Sprinkle in needing to keep profit margins up too.

It's a start I guess. I'd like to see what the sentencing is going to be.

It really shouldn't matter if someone is in office or running for office, if you commit a crime you should do the time.

Still won't change the fact that he can and is running for office so make sure you are registered to vote!

Now let's see how the other cases will go

Tariffs are meant to increase the price of the goods so us consumers are less likely to buy that item.

The government would prefer you to buy it from a local source or at least someone who isn't having their prices so low from unfair trade practices.

Although the FED would prefer you to just not spend your money and to instead save it to help lower inflation.