I’m not sure her husband has gotten a job since leaving Disney either…

Partially cuz they are actually creating content of things they do!! Like riding rides and character interactions; not just photoshoots and food. What a concept!

I know this wasn’t your point, but if someone is getting paid on a Friday and is worried about not having the funds on a Monday, maybe they shouldn’t be shopping from a small shop so religiously. 😂

Virtual queue would be a mess in the summer with weather downtimes. Disney has never had an outdoor attraction do VQ yet, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens.

What’s posted on a public platform lives forever, regardless of if they delete it all. Just find it odd that now after years of posting them she’s starting.

Can we also talk about how in her castle photos she’s in a small dress, but everyone in the background are wearing winter coats and sweatshirts? 😂

Why is magicalli all of a sudden not showing her kids faces? I understand the reason behind it, but she’s had them all over her page for years…seems odd that she’s starting now. 🤔

I’m fairly certain a lot of the Europe venues have rules about reselling Taylor tickets/it not being allowed. If the trip is already paid for, she might as well enjoy it. But also, pretty sure her family helps her out AND pretty sure she also rents out rooms in her house.

This has become the norm every race weekend he does, I’ve noticed. 🙄

I noticed Ali hasn’t hung out with that group of Sara, Taryn, and Meg in awhile…to me something always felt off about Ali, but I can’t tell what.

He doesn’t need to finagle his way in; he has a BQ already I believe?

Colton’s husband Tyler works for PR with Disney. It would be my assumption that Colton stepped away from Lost Bros etc. due to the conflict of interest. Which is also probably why you don’t see them on social media with Lost Bros often.

I think a lot of followers would be shocked at how many influencers abuse the DAS system for invalid reasons.

Adding to this, I saw Ms Tom Morrow say she signed up and she might not even do dopey. Why take that spot from someone else?! If you don’t want to train again and aren’t sure you want to do it, why sign up?!

I have mixed feelings. There are some influencers who do actually train and do these events the way they are meant to be. (@thecastlerunner, and as much as we snark on her, @bbbrooke, @disneywithshruthi, etc) and I applaud them for somewhat setting a more realistic expectation. These runners also make it clear than runDisney events are not the only races they are running. But when you start to get some of the people you mentioned who are running more for the bragging rights, haven’t really improved year after year, are paying to be in higher corals, doing dopey just to say they did dopey, that’s where the issue lies. I appreciate the influencers who showcase they are actually training and you can see improvements. I don’t appreciate the ones who just keep doing this and seem to squeak by every time.

Considering Morgan (modismagic) is a leader of the same team, it kinda seems like she may have had a huge part in landing Aliya that job. Time has always shown that Aliya always uses connections to get what she wants.

Idk but that girl annoys me to no end and now that she got a job with TWDC I fear she’s about to be even more insufferable.

Caitlin was also Bronwyn’s leader at the boutique when they started dating. ☕️

He probably booked it for them with his cast discount lol

I think when they first post it. But she’s still re sharing them over and over days later.

As someone who had some mutuals with her when she first started her DCP, she is the one who constantly uses people. Before she movies down her YouTube and IG were very small. She did some vlogs with imagineerinsta (Chase Russel) and started hanging with some other influencers who had more followers than her at the time, and slowly grew. Once she passed them all up, she dropped them. It’s a constant trend.

Does anyone else notice how Emily Nelson is always re sharing her reels in her stories? It seems like she’s just trying to drive up the views by constantly re sharing.

Her makeup has always been like this. I feel like she doesn’t know how to blend anything…