This is a big part of the problem, especially with the multiverse stories often meaning the stakes are quite literally the end of all existence. There’s just nowhere to go from there, and we as an audience are losing the ability to get invested in the stakes because it never feels like they’re getting bigger, just staying stagnant.

My other issue with the MCU right now is too many new faces at once. It’s become impossible to keep track of all the characters that have been thrown in for a cameo or bit role in these new MCU movies and shows, and a lot of these characters are popping out for one appearance then disappearing indefinitely. Where the hell is Shang Chi? When are we gonna get a follow up on the Eternals cliffhangers for Black Knight and Eros? What about Red Guardian, Ironheart, America Chavez, etc.? It’s become so common that I have an aversion to them introducing new heroes at this point, it feels almost guaranteed that whoever gets introduced is gonna end up getting shelved for the next 5 years at best and never followed up on at worst.

I think alot of people in the comments are missing your point. You aren’t saying restaurants in general are pointless, you’re saying specifically a steakhouse feels like a ripoff because it’s such an expensive meal and it’s usually very simple to recreate at home.

I completely agree. A steak is a very simple dish and making a good one at home is pretty easy, plus the sides tend to be really basic things like mashed or baked potatoes, simple salads etc.

Thor 🔨⚡️

Guess who’s back guess who’s back guess who’s back guess who’s back guess who’s back

Thor 🔨⚡️

If Hugh isn’t playing the version of wolverine we saw in Logan (which he’s not), then I don’t think X-23 necessarily needs to show up. I could see a quick cameo being cool, but I’m more interested in the characters relevant to this version of Wolverines life. So unless this variant Logan and X-23 have a history I’m down to see them interact, but if not I really don’t need her there.

I thought I was a Kenny Stan until that album came out. I can recognize that the music is well made and the lyricism is super deep, but it’s just not for me at all.

I still love Kendrick but I had to admit to myself I’m not gonna love everything he puts out, even if that was the case for a long time.

Yachty. I will never understand why people like his music, I find his voice incredibly grating.

I would look into scarecrows, if you’re in summer you prob have them unlocked. That will keep crows off your plants.

Since you guys are early on in the game, I’d focus on money. Since you’re playing with 2 other people you actually have somewhat of an advantage, you can plant and water a lot more crops which will be your main source of income.

In the early game I’d focus on crops and the mine, those two things are gonna give you the biggest return on the time investment. Go fishing when you have some extra time as that pretty much functions as free money. Your main goals early on should be to gather enough materials and money to put up a barn or coop so you can get some animals on your farm, and getting the materials to build sprinklers so you don’t have to spend so much time watering.

Happy Farming!

I’ve never paid much attention to producer tags, so I actually learned that this one said “mustard on the best hoe” because Kendrick repeated it. I could never make it out before.

Anytime somebody starts roasting someone I’m coming in with the “wop wop wop wop wop dot fuck em up”

I used to be jealous of Arron Afflalo

I used to be jealous of Arron Afflalo

He was the one to follow

He’s a lil fat. My tuxedo looks like that and the vet made us put him on a diet

I’m surprised he was popular, in my experience most residents of pelican town are pretty upset with the mayor after the whole “golden statue of himself built with our tax dollars” debacle

Homie was just backing up a threat

Don’t tell a lie on me, I won’t tell the truth bout you

Grippy is so awful I couldn’t even make it to Cole’s verse, idk that I’ve ever hated a song as much as I hate Grippy

Chronic Smoker :PlanetWeed::PlanetWeed::PlanetWeed:
  1. Now, you should know that’s really not bad at all for a first time roller, give yourself a pat on the back for getting a smokable joint at all as it can be really tough when you’re learning.

My advice to you would be to get the weed a little finer if you can (if you’re using kitchen utensils the cheese grater imo would’ve been a much better choice) and put more weed into your joint. The reason why it’s so crooked and not nice and tight is because there is too much empty space inside of it. You’ll have a better experience with a short joint packed tightly over a long joint packed loosely.

Nah, I can’t remember the name but it’s the single car one that can do inversions and drops over 90 degrees. Would be under the special coasters tab.

He said this long before this beef ever happened, I remember hearing him say this in an interview over a year ago. He is talking about having the best diss track ever, but he’s not talking about Not Like Us as it didn’t yet exist

I’m working on a coaster inspired by Spider-Man, I’m using the city buildings to create what looks like a block of Manhattan then building a coaster that travels all around the building to kind of simulate webslinging

Doing good in this game feels like I’m thriving, and I never get to thrive

  • Charlie Kelly

Unfortunately this was a victim of Marvels Avengers having such a public failure. The guardians of the galaxy game suffered the same fate. People saw how greedy Avengers was being with the IP and incorrectly assumed that was what was going to happen anytime they saw the marvel name.

At the end of the day, Midnight Suns looked in trailers like the kind of game that devs could stuff to the brim with micro transactions. They obviously didn’t, but you can understand why people thought that way given the aesthetic. As much as it sucks that this game didn’t get the chance it deserved, I can’t say I’m surprised. Avengers seriously damaged the Marvel brand in the gaming space, I feel like it’s only recovering now thanks to the Insomniac Spider-Man games being so well loved.