Biggest regret from that period is not taking better care of my teeth.

Wisdom with age is not some nebulous concept of knowing everything. It just means you're less stupid than you were when you were a kid. Do you know that it's a good idea to be very cautious about injuring yourself because some injuries you can't come back from? Do you know that it's important to take care of your teeth? Do you know that people who advertise cash prize draws are wasting your time? Do you know that popups telling you you have a virus and need to call this phone number are BS? Do you know that people don't always say what they mean? Do you know that the value of cars and computers depreciate like crazy but house prices tend to rise? Do you know that politicians tend not to keep their promises? Do you know that sometimes there's just no point in arguing with people? Do you know that some people argue for the sake of arguing and don't always really believe in the point they're arguing? Do you know that men tend not to talk about their feelings? Do you know that women tend to be more choosy about who they sleep with than men? Do you know that it's easier to keep something that's good than tear it down and build something better? Do you know that you can't just build a society around simply expecting people to share all their wealth equally? Do you know that you can't leave your front door open all the time without eventually getting burgled? Do you know that you'll be healthier if you eat fresh food and very little processed food? Do you know that sunlight and social contact tends to lift your mood? Do you know that people have to work to keep a marriage together? Do you know that it's important to get plenty of sleep?

If the answer to all or most or even any of these questions is yes, congratulations, you have wisdom with age and almost certainly know a lot more about life than you did when you were a child.

It was like 24 years for using a proscribed restraint technique while waiting for an ambulance that took much longer to arrive than it should have due to admin confusion. I'd say that's pretty non standard. Isn't that like the same sentence they give for murder one?

Always surprised to read neutrally worded articles about a topic like this from a site like Pink News.

Looks under watered if anything. It's kind of a myth this idea that they're succulents so they need hardly any water. My aloes take way more water than my snake plant. I give mine a saucer full of water every 1 or two weeks.

I'm not super familiar with this case but it seems kind of like a Jim crow law situation. As in, you have a law that could be applied to loads of people but only actually gets used to target people that the establishment is prejudiced against. Like sometimes the law just decides to throw the book at people for political reasons, like Derek chauvin or like OJ Simpson in that "kidnapping" case.

I think it's gonna go down in history as more political bullshit that had little or no impact on the election result.

The answer to your question is almost certainly "never". It's totally the wrong question to ask. You should expect men to have the self control to not succumb to impulses that will destroy their relationship. You shouldn't expect them to stop viewing women as sexual objects entirely because you're expecting them to be something that they're not.

Like the others are saying. You could be wiping his ass for 10 years... But it's not like you can necessarily find an equivalently nice guy without the ass wiping issue. The alternative might be 50 years of toxic relationships or 50 years of loneliness. A little ass wiping doesn't sound so bad.

Like the others are saying, grab a nice guy when you can find him, but upping your health insurance, care insurance and life insurance policies sounds like a smart move. Take out a bunch of insurance then get on with building a life with the man you love.

My dad was 11 years older than my mum. He's 80 and she died at 58. You can't even necessarily assume that you'll outlive him. A guy your own age is a much better choice, all things being equal, but all things are never equal. A 19 year age gap is unfortunate but on the other hand if you've found a guy you like a lot you can't assume that you'll find that a second time. Many women don't even find it once.

I mean he's good at what he does. He's perfectly good in those lightweight mainstream movies. It's not like I want to see him in the next Mike leigh movie or anything though.

24 is too early to say stuff like this with any certainty. 30s is the age when people think "shit, Maybe I do want kids" and if not then 40s is often still the age when people say "Shit, I think I missed my chance". It's not something the typical 24 year old thinks about with any seriousness so the way you feel right now really doesn't indicate much in terms of how you'll feel about this issue ten years from now.

Guys, why are you downvoting a statement that we all know to be factually correct? I'm not saying that OP WILL change their mind or SHOULD change their mind, I'm just pointing out that so many people DO change their minds in their 30s. That's simply a fact. If anyone can explain why that claim needs to be downvoted then I'd like to hear it.

He's ok. There's definitely no reason to describe him as "great in the role". He's probably more convincing than Anya but that's not saying much.

I don't buy the argument that he hasn't had the chance to show us he's a good actor. He's fine at comedy and he's a likeable presence. You can spot a talented actor though, even when they're making trash. I don't believe in the notion that you can see an actor in 10 films and still not know if they're any good. I just don't think screen acting works that way.

Yeah it was weird that they made a point of making him look quite different and he's not an especially good actor. So you don't have his handsome face and the acting isn't that good either. Seems a weird choice.

I suggest hiring a priest to say a few words.

Any climbing plant should have something to climb up if you want the leaves to take on the mature form, it doesn't have to be a moss pole though, just anything that keeps it vertical. Monsteras, ivy, philodendron heartleaf, pothos etc all do better with climbing assistance. Tradescantia though are a ground cover plant and don't develop any better if you train them upwards.

That's normal. The lowest leaves die eventually.

Depends on the person. Pruning or finding more climbing opportunities are both fine. Lots of people train their climbers across rooms on hooks and strings.

The roots can usually recover from a bit of damage without much difficulty.