Man, that sucks. Good thing it's a relatively cheap lesson learned, but I know the feeling. I wish you could name and shame.

The only thing surprising about this video is that the left lane camper doesn't have NY or PA plates.

Those are the only 2 bigger shops I've come across, but I'm not surprised. There's a lot of bookkeeping shops that have no qualifications from an accounting perspective.

Outsourced CFO and controllership for 3 clients. Took on two bookkeeping clients because it's relatively easy work, but it comes with the requirement to also do the business returns. Ended up taking one a few other business returns and the personal returns of the owners.

Not something I needed to read... thanks.

(or 2 with Margot Robbie in a bathtub)

I see you are a man of culture. Definitely helped me conceptualize. Anthony Bourdain's explanation was great too.

Pie the fucking corner! Serious business, what do you think the accidental discharge rate would be for first years?

Maybe one of my favorite moments in cinema. And... now I gotta look up some bullshit that Tate said about Indians.

Bruh, she said she needs to wait for 10 lb dumbells and got doxxed. Lol. That's such a crazy overreaction. It reminds me of this

Why didn't she just write down all the contracts and cross them off as she completed?

I don't regret it. Changed my mind in college after volunteering with highschool kids over a summer. I mistve lost my cool and flipped out on those kids at least half a dozen times. I remember after one blowout, the director found me outside having a cigarette in the rain and calmly said, "you know, i think we should try to stop cursing out the kids." Those kids really know how to test your patience, and I realized that I liked the idea of teaching more than actually doing it.

A few years ago, when I was still in PA, we had a high school program come to the firm and they asked for volunteers to talk/give presentations about what we did. My wife is a teacher so I asked her about how to structure a lesson plan and I put some effort into a "class." The students fucking loved it and the teachers that ran the program tried to convince me to go into teaching. It's really fun to come up with a banger lesson plan as some outside speaker, but doing that shit day in and day out gets old for the kids and they start to fuck with you. I still have aspirations of becoming an adjunct later in life, but right now, I couldn't be happier with the decision. It sounds crass, but the money is way better. More importantly, though, I'm at a point in my career where I take the jobs I want and have a good amount of autonomy with my schedule. Realistically, the work still needs to get done, but I have a good amount of discretion as to how it gets done. Also, I can always say no to shitbag clients and PITA projects that aren't worth the hassle.

People love to bitch about thos "career" like there's one path. It's what you make it. If you like teaching, you can always teach accounting. If you have a need/desire to impart wisdom or guidance, you can absolutely do that without being a career. If you network right, you can always be a guest speaker/presenter if you just have that "itch" to be the cool/fun teacher.

Definitely sounds insulting/condescending, but what about it implies racism?

There's a spider on your head.


There's a spider on yo head.

Look, I'm sorry, I'm not up on all this jive talkin', home boy lingo, what's that supposed to mean? "There's a spider on your head"?

It means there's a spider on your motherfuckin' head, man!

Well get it off! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!

I ain't touchin' that shit!

🎶 I'm a scatman... 🎶

QB is terrible for inventory... but that's besides the point. If you just want to manage books and want to go cheaper than QB, you could just make a very hefty Excel workbook. BUT, this won't help you with billing and bill processing.

Will you be mostly a cash business? Not meaning, dealing in cash, but in the sense of credit cards or checks before/upon fulfillment of service? If so, save yourself the cost and build out an Excel workbook.

If you need to invoice and keep track of open AR and outstanding AP, then you probably want something like QB or Xero. I don't think they get much cheaper.

The Bay area (San Francisco, etc.) is FAR more expensive than Sacramento.

I know that. I wanted to see where yoy thought it was on the COL for the US. People only talk about COL based on your top 10 or so major metros. I wanted to see what a second tier (sorry if that's insulting, just mean in terms of population) would be.

I figured that's like the norm. Would you consider Sacramento HCOL?

Big Mac meal on the app by me is $11.58. Not in California. What's it cost where you are at?

Were they just doing bookkeeping or also your taxes?

You might be better off finding a part timr bookkeeper rather than a firm if they were just doing your books.

The firm may have been "losing money" based on their internal metrics, which is mostly bullshit and a way to track opportunity costs rather than true profitability. Sounds like you might be finding firms that are too big for you?

Unless you're calling them every day and asking them questions they don't know/require research to answer, their billing rates might just be too high for you. For 2,500/month I personally wouldn't want to spend more than 10-12 hours, but what you are describing doesn't seem that complicated. Maybe they don't understand the industry? Who knows?