They’re asking people not to post speculation or post further details about the incident. Pretty much every pro-kayaker in the world has reposted this, so either you know better than all of them or you’ve misinterpreted the post.

Not to post speculation or further details. This post has been widely distributed across Palms social media channels already.

If you know an easy fix for that also!

Amazing, so basically they screw you whatever you do?

Not making a claim but insurance want to assess liability still?Advice

Hoping someone might have some insight on this!

My wife had a very minor bump last night with another car that caused no damage to the other vehicle and a few scuffs on ours.

Both parties agreed that it wasn’t financially worthwhile pursuing this with insurance and that we’d just notify them of the incident without making a claim.

However, when we’ve rung Admiral they have said that they will still be assessing the fault regardless of us/the other driver not making a claim and that our no claims bonus is on hold.

My question is, with no claim being made what is the purpose of assessing liability? If my wife is found at fault will there be any consequences on our insurance?

The North Alps and South Alps guidebooks should cover most of it if you want a physical guidebook

Did that happen for any particular reason or just bad organisation?

Really helpful thank you, heading out with LiLi so glad to hear they are good!

Zambezi - Fly vs HireKayaking

I’m planning to head out to the Zambezi this year from the UK and I was wondering if anyone who’s been previously had any thoughts on the merits of flying your own boat out vs hiring one there?

Would be grateful for any thoughts/experiences from those who done either!

Awesome thank you - spark plugs were my first attempt at fixing!

Stupid question: will it not hurt the engine to run it with only two cylinders connected up?

Find which coil pack playing up?Advice

I believe I have a coil pack playing up on my VW Polo, 1.2 10 Plate as it’s jerking under acceleration sometimes and rough idling with a petrol smell in the car from time to time.

It’s quite intermittent and not too bad so I suspect it’s just one of the coil packs playing up. Is there some clever way to identify which without swapping them all out?

I thought you’d broke into my house when I saw the picture! Did the exact same thing a few days ago, wife not impressed…

Slicey boats are the fashion out there for sure!

I really need to get over to Norway at some point!

I’m not an expert but I believe the government provides quite a lot of the funding for huge projects like these

I saw some stuff online about the Zambian government being in quite a difficult position financially with regards to debt and that delaying progress, so hopefully a few years away.

Headed out there next year so hoping it doesn’t get finished miraculously quickly!