Oh I got one. FACT: putting "FACT" in front of a statement makes it true

This went away for me after 1.7.2 and after I updater my gpu drivers

I had this issue with my 3060Ti until I updated my Nvidia drivers

My favorite budget load out is the negant precision and Romero handcannon. Super cheap only $50 and very effective at close to medium range.

The earliest clown was from England, and Joy likes culturally appropriating them.

Let me do one. Hit man says to leave all your doors and windows open, and make sure to stand in one place for long periods of time.

You're kidding, right? Please tell me that was sarcastic...

Ooo yeah like poisonous snakes would make a lot of sense. Like if you stood in a forested area in one spot for too long they'd bite you and make a loud hissing noise.

You should respond with "If you erupt in an angry rant anytime someone mentions a greeting word in the English dictionary, then I understand why you're alone..."

The fact that people think parenting makes you an AH says a lot about our society.

That's awesome dude! Hope it works out!

Just from reading this he sounds like an awful husband. Get the divorce papers ready. Honestly the guy sounds like he has the emotional intelligence of a 7 yo.

Cpp is hard because there are pointers

Tell him you're going to need to borrow his crystal ball if he wants you to help without telling you anything. I think such an absurd request prompts an equally absurd response.

Hey at least it got that it was a 4-legged animal with a tail! That's something. Coulda said bird ya know?

Alright team let's have our hourly stand up meeting where we talk about what we'll do next stand up meeting!

I absolutely agree with this. I pretty much exclusively use Python and Cpp now.