I didn't play zombies yet so I'll definitely give it a go

I bought it and I love everything about it! It is what MW2 multiplayer should have been

Is it worth buying if I have MW2? I loved the free mw3 weekend but I'm not sure if I should spend 70$ on the game. I play warzone and I like it a lot but I would like to play some multiplayer too

Which proves my point even more πŸ˜‚ But of course I got downvoted by reddit hive mind

Originality sacrifice, anyone?

I'm 1300, but I was stuck at 700-800 for a year.

If you have basic tactical and positional skills, which can be gained with experience, I would recommend learning a few openings.

If you don't want to study boring, complicated variations, pick a setup-based opening for white like the London System. It's very easy to learn and helped me a lot in my journey.

At your level, most opponents start the game with e4, so I would also recommend learning basic defenses against it.

Learning the Caro-kann would probably be the best choice (GothamChess has a great video about it on YouTube), but you can also simply learn the Italian and Spanish game.

An opening I found useful and fun at low levels is the Fried Liver, you can search it up if you want (most low ELO players fall for it lol).

I went to comments only to comment the same thing πŸ˜‚

Wait is there actually gonna be one? Legit can't tell if you're joking or not πŸ˜‚