
It's probably the most convenient location in the US to get anywhere you want to go in the world.

A tremendous advantage if you have to travel or love to travel.

If you travel for work or pleasure, then DFW Airport and Love Field are two of the most conveniently located airports in the country. You can easily get to either coast and rarely have to deal with snow/severe weather delays.

Ought to start towing these people.

Seems like it would be easy money for tow companies.

Actions speak louder than words.

Her actions tell you that volleyball and drinking are more important than you.

Then you drive to her with a broken back. You obviously care far more about her than she does about you.

I'm not sure I would consider her my girlfriend. Seems that she doesn't consider you at all.

The old "one-third, two-thirds" rule. One-third outside. Two-thirds inside.

If that is the case, then it is properly cantilevered.

We can’t tell you how safe it is because we don’t know the condition of the wood or how well the deck is holding together.

Personally, I wouldn’t trust it. Wouldn’t trust me or my family on it. Or anybody who may sue me.

There are several things I don’t like about it. Would do it differently if it were my own house.

This reads like a troll post.

If you had truly lived in "bad" areas throughout the state, then you would know and understand hood politics. You would know certain people aren't bothered and why. You wouldn't need "insight" from people who have no practical knowledge or experience to offer.

This seems like a race baiting post to me. "White family" with four teens that continually move to and live in "bad" areas but needs "Insight".



You're going to have a difficult time convincing most grandmothers to abide by food safety rules.

With that said, I have put sushi in the fridge and eaten it the next day. You're right that it's not nearly as good as fresh, but I've done it several times and survived.

Starkville, Hattiesburg, and the Gulf Coast.

That's what I like about Mississippi.

Oh, I also like the outdoors. If you live around the Hattiesburg area, the access to fishing - freshwater and saltwater - and hunting is convenient. I'm a hobbyist photographer. Lots of places and history to explore.

However, the best thing about Mississippi is the people. Ironically, the worst thing about Mississippi is also ... the people. Mississippi is full of kind, loving, caring, welcoming, and charitable people. Mississippi is also full of people - from all races and political ideologies - who intentionally do things that make life difficult for others.

The last thing men over 35 want is to pay some “guru” for basic knowledge. You’ll be better off seeking younger impressionable men to hustle. Mature men have seen the guru song and dance many times. We are less likely to fall for it. If we need information we know where to get it. And it’s not from a person trying to sell “help”.

Well, on a farm, you don't want those smells close to your house. Not to mention barns attract a lot of pests - flies, mice, snakes, fleas, ticks, and other things. If you have enough land you want that ... away. Away from the house.

You can still have a courtyard, but I'm not sure I would want the barn and stable close to the house.

Need? No.

However, you should assume every person you see in Texas is carrying.

It is the "Land of Opportunity".

It's true that you have opportunity here if you apply yourself.

No one is guaranteed success, but you have the opportunity in America.

Don't do weird.

I learned this from my projects and through watching the mistakes of others.

What I mean is don't do weird properties. Weird design decisions - floor plans, materials, paint colors, etc. Weird locations. Weird contractors. Weird accountants, lawyers, realtors, and so forth. Stick to known good choices.

When you're a beginner - to give yourself the highest probability of success - maximize the number of people who will want to pay for your property whether you're renting, leasing, or selling.

Once you learn the business, then you'll be able to make riskier choices that may be more profitable.

Giving the greatest number of people what they want - reasonably and profitably - will lessen your chances of failure.

The question is about maintenance.

How often is the e-motor oil changed?

Every car will need maintenance. A Tesla doesn’t have many of the parts that need maintenance on ICE cars. So you won’t have to change the oil, spark plugs, transmission fluid, and so forth. There will be less maintenance, but the car will still need to be cared for if you want it to last ten years.

Well, bass are in the sunfish family.

It just seems odd that OP is suggesting education when he shows he doesn't know a black crappie is a sunfish in the same sentence.

Mocking others when having an obvious lack of knowledge.

Maybe we should be more humble. Be patient and kind. Extending grace to others.

A black crappie is a sunfish.

Seems that you're confused also.

Okay. Nine months from today will be ... let's say ... February 15, 2025.

According to them - and you - they should have products delivered to customers by then.

I'll be fair. Let's see where we are on February 15, 2025.

If customers have Aptera vehicles in their garages, I'll admit I was wrong.

If not ... it was kicking the can down the road and more bullshitting and excuse making.



It wasn't "major positive news".

It was just kicking the can down the road. No sign of accomplishing anything in the near future - like delivering a usable product.

Aptera needs to stop playing with people and get something completed and delivered.

The problem is NOT the visibility of this subreddit. Not by a long shot.

The problem is Aptera bullshitting with people's investment into them. Whether that is money, time, or interest.

Study like you’re going to teach the lesson. Be able to explain and demonstrate all concepts. Be prepared for any question a student may ask.

Pretty much guarantees you’ll be in the top 1% of students.


That’s why I don’t do anything with anybody who gives me any indication that they don’t respect me as a person.

It’s unfortunate because I have the goods. I am what they fantasize about. I just have too much self-respect to allow myself to be mistreated.


That’s why some people refuse to have sex with … others … that don’t respect them as human beings.

Not surprised.

Most Evangelical Christians are hypocrites. Their “Christianity” is often used to give a sense of propriety to their bigotry. Or a sense of moral superiority to their selfishness and greed.

An observation of their behavior quickly reveals they are not believers in or followers of Jesus Christ. Because their lives are in direct conflict with his teachings.

As the Bible says, they have their reward.

It’s probably common.

Some people are bothered when the proprietors of a restaurant aren’t ethnically “authentic”. Implying that the food isn’t authentic.

I understand why they would do it. Although most people visiting the restaurant wouldn’t know or care.