Add Saint Vincent to the list. She stole the movie as far as I'm concerned.


Stephanie Clifford . She said she like stormy weather and jack daniels.

Falon Brown wbrz baton Rouge news station

Check out local churches,they should help with you getting food and maybe they can help with dog food.

Someone doesn't know how to cook.

I thought so. I know he loves Penny but this is just wrong. Lol

Wtf Gordon mckerin advertisement??

I read somewhere if you will see it ,it will be south. My best advice is to Google where to look. Take pictures if you happen to see the lights please and good luck.

Aww still beautiful the both of you!

I'm curious about something ,maybe you can help. What's the difference between hospice and what Canadians offer ?

Call Denham springs pound on bowman I was told they will fix cats for a small fee.