1996 Carpool

I would have been 10 watched it probably 10-20 times when ever on what ever channel it was on. Thought lots of fun zany stuff going on. Watched last year and well it is in fact trash, and if not for nostalgia I’d probably hate it even more

David Lean

Well for me it is easy choices


Trial of the Chicago 7


Don’t Look Up

Killers of the Flower Moon


As someone who tries to have every movie ever nominated for best picture, these 6 don’t have any official us release and I only have FYC for many of them

Emoji Movie. I know the movie it’s great by any means, but I have never understood the unrelenting hate for the movie. There are a few jokes that are actually fun, and while most of the movie is pretty stupid plot, most aspects of the movie, characters, voice work, animation and the like are all fine or average at least. So not sure how it is rated so incredibly poorly l