If I play this game enough I’ll definitely buy a skin but it’s gotta be something I’m happy with at purchase because I’m not supporting that color system

This was an issue when it launched I remember. Not sure you can do anything. If it works fine just keep using it. Shouldn’t be any issues with the internals.

Also currently playing The Division 2. Absolutely enjoying my time with that but glad I have another option as I’m so burnt out on Destiny I haven’t be able to return to it in a few years and Warframe isn’t really doing it for me anymore. Hope this can keep me entertained.

How did you change it to performance mode? Mine seems to be locked to Balanced. Idk why but when I go to change it the option doesn’t become available. It’s like clicking it does nothing

Not yet but haven’t played a ton. Since your on Xbox can you tell me if you’ve had any issues switching the graphics to performance mode? Even though I click on it to change it just stays on balanced. It’s like I can’t even select it as an option

There’s gonna be mins if Anderson isn’t back. Would love to see him earn those

Anyone else not able to change the graphics to performance mode on Xbox series x?

I’m playing on Xbox in balanced mode(I can’t switch to performance for some reason) and the fps has been fairly solid so far but the graphical fidelity is rough. I expected it to be honest but certainly looking forward to some improvements in the future

Haven’t jumped in yet. What’s being “nickel and dimed”. Have any examples of what’s worse than Warframe?

I haven’t jumped in yet. How so? Can I not grind for everything or do I have to pay to obtain things?

I’ve really enjoyed my experience so far. It’s not perfect and things can be improved but with where the game stands now I’m very happy with my purchase and look forward to playing this game hopefully for many years to come.

What’s broken about it? I know they reset but what else is wrong with them?

I love how just mentioning it gets you downvoted lmao.

Starfield is also one of my favorite games of all time. Can’t wait to play the DLC.

I was just curious what other people thought about their experiences in the beta.

Awesome! Yeah I love looter shooters and have played all of them a ton. There’s something about this one that has me incredibly hyped. Never played the betas but I love so much of what I’ve seen so far. Enjoy your time off and in game! Hopefully those servers hold 🤞🏻

Oh man I do appreciate that but I honestly just wanted to ask what you guys thought about your experiences in the beta ha. I’m very aware of Goth. I tend to enjoy him but I definitely don’t agree with everything he says. This post was very heavily influenced on hearing the opinions of the community and far less about what he said. It was my bad to word it the way I did. Oh and trust me I’m absolutely gonna be there at launch!! I can’t wait to play! 🤜🏻🤛🏻

Where’s the mistake? I saw him voice an opinion and wanted to see what the community thought. His opinion motivated me to ask this question as I was curious what other people thought