It wasn’t a manifesto, but did it contain a commitment for Nigel not to travel to America whilst he’s an MP?

Do not pass go, do not collect a birth certificate

If you think that we are not playing a clear 343 then you need to check more than your eyes. Every time we don’t have the ball and they are building out the back look and see our front 3, Kane Jude foden; then look at saka and walker’s positions.

You’re using average position to try and claim the formation/system. I’m telling you that’s not how football works and you’re trying to take that as a win for you?


I mean I had questions about your eyes when you misread the post and again with your back 3 claim. Can you really not see how that second image is a much more obvious back 4?

And yet again, average position is not the formation

They actually lined up nice and clearly for you in the second half there, could you make it out?

That is an awful system what’s the excuse for a ref to refuse a correction from VAR? Is that in place in this tournament?

Do I detect a back 3? Or are you saying we are playing a 2-1-6-1?

Average position does not equal formation. We’ve been far more dominant down the right hence Walker and saka having a higher average position than Konsa and trippier

You can edit post titles so that would be something. Interesting so you think you’ve been watching the game and it’s not a back 3?

Guess trippier is just above a fully match fit Shaw in the LB options 🤡

Ok so Luke Shaw is just such a monster that unlike any other player he doesn’t need to play matches and get minutes in his legs to be fully match fit, got ya my mistake

How is he match fit if he hasn’t played any matches? Or has he been playing some Sunday league in Germany?

:PL:Premier League

Hamstring surgery doesn’t mean his hamstrings are now like new. I’m not saying he’s totally done but he can’t realistically expect to have much longer at the highest level if he doesn’t leave this summer

:PL:Premier League

Being 33 coming off double hamstring surgeries is not a good base for being a PL centre mid

Monkey in Space

In fairness people looking for geometries outside of spacetime that give rise to space time is a pretty cutting edge high level physics field currently I think.

If he plays LWB instead of LB I expect to see you performing some type of ritual humiliation on this sub after just trying to suck yourself off so publicly for a bad take

That’s why you ban evade to stay on here being a knob? That’s the part you seem to avoid confronting