Nice! I recently got a p1s with ams and I love it.

Lol it looks like he could have just walked around. It looks like the fence only extends about 10 feet past the gate.

I feel like most of reddit has no common sense. The driving subs are the worst. Like why are these complete idiots operating vehicles and how did they survive to be old enough to get a license?

I wonder how long you'd have to spend dumping pennies into a coinstar before you cash out a million dollars worth

I put the "do not disturb" sign up for my entire stay. I don't trust someone in my room with my belongings without my supervision and I'm definitely not going to hang around to supervise. I leave them a 5 in the dresser the day I check out.

Omg.. My first cat did this with a chipmunk. I was living in one of those basements that's partially exposed so it had big ass windows at about shoulder height that I would leave open so he could go in an out. One day he came hopping in and in mid air chucked this fuzzy thing that went bouncing across the floor. I ran over to see that it was what appeared to be an unconscious chipmunk. It only stayed unconscious for about 3 seconds before it got up and bolted. I spent what felt like the next three hours chasing it trying to throw a sheet over it. That thing was a fuckin ninja. Every time I would corner it it would parkour up the walls and jump over me. One of the times it even springboarded off my shoulder.

Eventually I managed to chase it up the stairs that went out to the garage where I had hoped it would find it's way out. Unfortunately it must have decided to hide instead of going out the open door. I found it dead under the workbench a few days later. :(

Eyeballs. My teeth are good already. Wearing glasses and contacts sucks.

Just yesterday I was trying to leave the grocery store and two people each with full carts decided that 3 feet outside the entrance was the best place stop, turn their carts parallel to the doors, and have a conversation effectively blocking almost the entire walkway to get out. People with zero situational awareness or consideration for others are the worst.

It's a fill extender. I got a new oil cap from chevy and it came with one as well.

I have one of these. I don't really notice it most of the time. I can't remember exactly what they said it was, but eye Dr said it's some kind of imperfection on one of the layers of my eye. He said mine is nothing to worry about, but if it were on a different layer it would be bad. You might want to get it checked out OP.

Robot vacuum is like one of the best things I ever bought. It feels like it cuts my overall cleaning in half.

Aside from that, I do my best to try to clean as I go. The rest I try to do a little bit at a time right when I get home from work. Then I usually set a few hours aside on the weekend to do more thorough cleaning that needs to be done.

All that said, I really don't enjoy cleaning. It's just something that has to be done. Keeping up with it and breaking it into smaller parts makes it feel less tedious to me.

I've never been to one where there was a power outage, but I've been to a few that had various other technical issues like sound cutting out or problems with the projector. They have always given a refund

You can't rotate a picture but you think you can rotate a wrench?

I'm impressed how well that's done for being carved into a rock

Right? What kind of lazy douche nozzle won't do something as simple as unpair some headphones? If it were me I absolutely would not want another person's headphones connected to my phone. If OP has a mic it sounds like they have the upper hand of they want to fuck with him.

I love mine. I have 2 cats as well. I have it scheduled to run m-w-f while I'm at work and I manually run it on the weekend if needed. It's great coming home to clean floors during week.

People over in r/grilledcheese will say that this is not grilled cheese, it's a melt.

Pickles on grilled cheese is delicious tho. I do it all the time :)

There are a few people I wouldn't mind getting rid of, but I would actually just barricade myself in my house pick off anyone who tries to get in. I'm kind of an asshole sometimes so I wouldn't be surprised if a few people have a grudge that I don't know about.

Looks like a Chihuahua.. Why are we ignoring the cow? Wtf is going on here?

That's a pokey thing. You can use it to poke just about anything.