the panic is real
the panic is real

I think there’s a huge difference between him being there all day every day being exposed to that stuff and doing it just sometimes. It’s not all or nothing. I would just monitor to make sure it’s not too often, and if it starts to be too often, just let limit how often he goes. At the same time, always (in normal conversations such as at dinner), be casually explaining the lessons you want him to learn. You can’t control everything he is exposed to, but you can take steps to position yourself as a positive guiding hand. In other words, instead of trying to completely block all bad influences, limit them and focus on increasing the good influence.

Every fast food place: “It may not be good for you, but it tastes a marginally better than shit.”

I don’t know, but white people who feel a need to sing a long to rap songs should just replace the n-word with “wigga”

There are numerous pedophile rings that every celebrity is either involved in or aware of but keeping quiet

There were rumors that a teacher/coach was cheating on his wife with one of the other teachers. I remember just thinking kids said that because they would be seen being friendly with each other. Sadly, the truth fully came out when the guy teacher killed himself over it. It was especially sad because he was one of the most beloved teachers. Cheerful upbeat personality, great teacher, and great coach. Still makes me sad when I think about it.

I have a massive amount of notes saved in a note taking app. All kinds of crazy ideas that go back years before I met her. I never plan on sharing any of these raw thoughts with anyone. She is totally aware of this and 90% ok with it.

that dog was way smarter than Rohit

“yeah because gay means happy”

-every kid in my elementary school

Jeff Goldblum with a helping of Andy Serkis.

Looks like you’re already roasted.

What have you done to my little cable boy?

When you control the mail, you control information.