Go farm lvl 80 mobs or even better go clear some lvl 80 heroics/ dungeons

Looking forward to my team maybe one day not being so shit that I can join in on making fun of other clubs


Good for her, just took a look at her wiki and she has a solid resume

Had a guy go missing mid BT because he said “left my phone at Buffalo Wild Wings need to go grab it”

Thought to myself that’s fucking hilarious, then realized oh shit he’s actually afk on a prog raid

Yup I think that’s the one for me, much tougher than the one above which I found pretty funny, I get it though.

That was a pretty good Wilhelm scream

I agree with everything you said, but I’m still going to miss faksa, especially on the PK. Guy was an exceptional defensive forward, and he worked so hard from such a young age to make it in the NHL. Most guys did, but he had an especially tough and lonely childhood traveling to play hockey and being away from his family.

Whatever it takes to get some rain and relief from this heat… bring on the hurricanes lol

Obviously I would feel quite differently if I lived on the coast, hope it isn’t too bad for anyone down there

Kinda tired of seeing how different the legal system is for men vs women and rich vs poor, we all know it but when you see cases like this it’s just infuriating.

Caramelized onions is a game changer I tried that last time I am never going back

Well done, would love something like this on the 4th of July

Fuck this makes me feel old, guys I watched in college retiring from the pros

I was cheering so hard for that guy, good on him. I was like hell yea bro you did the right thing

Noooo, I love this guy and loved that he’s spent his whole career here… uhg this one hurts

For real, I work from home and my kid only has preschool 2 times a week and I still feel like I don’t spend enough time with her

This seems so foolish, why must they make literally everything political lol. It was dumb up until that whole comment, then it became asinine.

I find most truffle flavored or truffle oil items just so overpowering, rarely is it subtle enough to be enjoyable

Yea I was about to say this is like $150 where I’m at in TX, granted I’m in Dallas so larger city prices I guess