
Did you even try it before you commented. Works with any drum rhythm. Lining up samples or midi to drum transients of a waveform isn't too complicated.
You could even auto slice waveform or convert to midi for the rhythm.

Get a track you think has good drum rhythm, drag into your DAW cut out the section with good drum rhythm. Then line up your own samples where theirs hit so you can see it and have your own rhythm. Repeat a few times.

Interesting I thought he was only doing it to me. I commented on a course he posted ages ago and he took it personally and had a rant at which point the mod told him he was in the wrong and I told him where to go in a private message. And since then he's been bitter. Lol.
His latest rant was ranting that I'll never be anything more then a member lol like I want to be haha. He sounds like he has mental issues. Thinks he's above everyone and can't handle it if someone comments.

Yes it's not really mastering as you go as you don't have to do anything. And can only make the final changes once it's done. Mastering as you go sounds like you are adjusting things as you go which wouldn't be good.

If you are mixing your "master" should just be a limiter that brings it up to volume. You wouldn't have to do much to your master if your mix is good.

Had this guy on Audioz called Technician1 complaining about people asking for re-uploads the other day. He was just trying to throw his weight around saying there are other sites that have the same content etc and then went of a rant saying I'm no one and just a member because he's an "uploader", then the mod removed his comments lol shame. But where are these other sites? None of the other sites have all their content and where you can ask for re-uploads. I always search every other site before asking. That is one of the good things about Audioz getting re uploads and using it as a database to see what has been leaked.
Hope it's back up soon.

Lol what you talking about a subscription?

Was about to ask the same thing. They talking about it on audiosex.

Old Chris Lake, Disclosure and some of the other artist old twitch streams from lockdown are still better then most. James Hype still makes some. Westend every now and then for KicknBass. Noisia has some old ones. Ian Kirkpatrick.
For mixing there are some free Luca Pretolesi, Mymixlab and others from actual mixing engineers.
Generally anything from people actually working in the industry are always better then people who are just "Youtubers." Most of their content is just watered down from other tutorials they've seen.
There are probably heaps. If anyone knows any other tutorials from actual artist could you list them please.

Tutorials by artists that actually produce and have a million above streams per track.

Think about it. With mix knob at 50% would be 50% of dry and 50% wet. Parallel send would be 100% original dry signal with blend of other signal.

You should be banned for posting bad advice.

What you posting bro? The one you shared from SerumPresets they don't allow trades and removed that post.

500 for a complete project or is it a ghost production you can release? If just a project not worth it. Plenty of FLP project files on the net if you just want to study some.
Just Google flp projects.

Looking for Big Z's Mixing Academy.

Looking for Big Z's Mixing Academy.
We have some courses to trade.
DM if keen to trade.


Wondering what made you think , Geforce Oddity and Sylenth is more professional than Serum?

Try doing a test with bass and bounce it to audio after the sidechain import it back in. Then you will be able to see the bass waveform next to the kick and how much they over lap and adjust from there.

Shaperbox. Can multiband sidechain and sidechain mids with less percent than sub. Can put on kick to see length then inverse on bass for perfect sidechain. Plus has lot of other features included shaperbox, panning etc. Lot more you can do then a normal compressor sidechain.

Someone with our team will be with you shortly.

Yes. I am head of Image Line I will process that for you right now.

Yea heard they also give you a free juicer and blender.

Why do people ask this question nearly every week?