4/5 to me kinda wish we got a sequel but still worth the watch.

I think that may be the only feature on my Tessie I don’t like honestly. Just seems extra for no reason

That is a rotund feline.

Saw a guy who got in a car accident the previous day pissy drunk get his staples that were across his shoulder blade ripped out for 100. The dude with the needle nose pliers actually ripped two out.

Is this the kid that looked the mom up and down after she stated she didn’t want to grow up and be fat and the mom said well who do you know that’s fat?

I was not thinking man. Ima blame it on the baby hit I took to spark it.

Mine stays at 140+ it’s okay

I have she was fine except her shots being expired clean bill of health that was about a year ago maybe maybe a little longer

Hmm I’ll give it a go see what she does. She fits fine in there but I’ll give it a go. Just tryin to brain storm cause I’m tired of picking up cat shit lol

Crazy part is she didn’t do this until she was like 2-3yo

So yes I thought it was the size of the box so I got a bigger one she still continues doing it. I have not tried one with a door but both have had tops to them.

I typically keep it pretty clean definitely not enough litter for her to think it’s okay.

Lakers really struck out on every player bron would take a pay cut for 😂 pain.

Played Memphis in a AI game during the season character shit in 2k he dropped 52 on my head then text me like my bad bro I had to drop you off. I been a hater ever since.

I have a crazy story about that. So had a friend of friend approach me and ask could I secure some “legal” (K2 or spice) for him. So the guy was a previous addict who had gone to rehab once or twice so I told him no for about 3-4 straight weeks as we also worked together. Finally I cave cause at this point I’m tired of dealing with him.

Me being a supplier of many things I hit my guy and get the sack. When my guy handed me the sack he told me verbatim “do not his this hard they call it Ebola.” I could smell the spice thru the bag it was horrid. I contact the addict tell him I’m otw. I pull up to his house with my cousin and call dude. He answers says he’s up the street from his house at a gas station and told me to pull up. My cousin knows of the guy and looks at me and states, “he prolly up there cause his lady don’t know he gettin it.”

We pull up to the gas station and my friend who is the addicts friend (this is how I know the addict) is with him. He tells me to hop in the backseat of this two door Honda accord he’s driving so we can run to the liquor store down the road. My cousin and me hop in the back seat and the addict passes me rolling papers and ask me to roll up. I roll up the skimpiest skeeta leg I can cause I already have been warned about this shit.

I don’t smoke the shit but I hit it to spark it and just from sparking it I thought my throat was bleeding and spit in my hand to be sure (I wasn’t bleeding). So I pass it to the addict who is driving (I know dumb ass decision) and he starts puffing. He was hitting it so hard my cousin taps me on the shoulder and says “he’s hitting that shit hard af bruh.” Addict finished his turn passes it to my friend he says nah I’m good friend passes it to cousin my cousin says nah I’m good. Cousin passed to me I put it out cause u don’t want the shit.

No sooner than me putting it out we start to notice the car is speeding up like you can hear the engine revving. Now we are on a two lane highway in the backwoods of my home state just to set the scenery. We all kinda take notice we are beginning to haul ass. The passenger (my friend) looks at the driver (the addict) and is like kinda taps him and calls his name. At this point the panic starts to set in for the three of us who aren’t high. The driver is seized up like eyes wide open his arms are locked straight on the steering wheel and his legs are locked straight while one foot is on the gas. We are approaching probably 90mph on a two lane highway and we see a pickup truck in our lane and we are fast approaching.

We all are trying to get the addicts attention but dude is out of it. We try to pull his leg off the pedal we can’t. At this point we are probably 100 yds from the pickup ahead of us. Looking back I shoulda just slapped tf out of the driver I had the angle but I was panicked. Anyways we get probably 100 ft from the pickup and swerve into the lane next to us thank god no one was coming or we would all be dead. We fly by this pickup going like 110. The passenger is holding the steering wheel to stay in the correct lane my cousin is screaming and cussing everyone out and I managed to work the E brake up slow enough to where we finally pull off the road with the engine still revving and park in the grass. It was a crazy realization moment I needed to change my life lol.

Driver finally comes to after about 5 minutes of being parked and starts dry heaving and finally he throws up. My cousin is hysterical and cussing everybody out still and me and my friend look at each other like that was a close one. Crazy part to finished it all up is I threw the sack out the window as the situation began cause I’ll be damned if we get pulled over and I have a felony on me. The addict had the nerve to ask me where the sack was and said he wasn’t paying me. I ran his pockets and got my money and also called a Uber to come scoop me and my cousin.

NC state I’m assuming but definitely can be misconstrued

Can we talk about this though? My cat for years has off and on shit next to the litter box. I scoop it daily so it’s not full. I’ve tried different litters same results. Clean bill of health. What causes this? It’s drives me nuts. Maybe she’s just a fucking asshole lol

The white folks in the comments doing mental gymnastics to call the guy posting a racist is so damn funny.

Is that true? I mean dudes court vision was on par with CP3 and rondo to me and he was nice with the handles