Your profile says you are suicidal. I suggest talking to somebody.

What exactly is the gun for and what type of gun are you looking to get. There are different ways of obtaining a license depending on its intended use.

Where did I say people can be free of consequences.

I explicitly said if you let idiots speak, people will see them as idiots.

Thus treating them differently.

But they have to be allowed to speak first.

Ok you clearly just want to argue, be hostile and act like a child. Fine.

Who TF made you the moral arbiter on all things right and wrong. I was called high and mighty when in fact it is you acting like you are divinely right and must teach others not just how to act and behave but also how to talk, think and feel . You literally want to legislate for emotions.

You say I'm not listening to you, what you really mean is I'm not abiding by what you say and thus I am your enemy.

That thinking has led many civilisations to commit horrible acts and will do so again.

I don't want anything to do with that. Take care. 👋🏻

P.s It seems you are just as hateful and full of anger as the people you claim to stand against. Now that's hypocrisy.

You're getting a little worked up here. I choose not to click the link. Is that the same as denying it's content?

I also refuse to get involved in the cesspool that is American politics because I am not American. So forgive me for not clicking your link.

Me saying you are being purposefully deceitful is not the same as calling you a liar. Symantics maybe but I prefer to call it having manners. So me using the words I did is not hypocrisy. It is me following the same guidelines I wish others to follow. Why is that an issue.

Again go back and read my comments. I've made it painfully clear that while I am against all types of hatred I am also worried that the breakdown of civil debate is going to cause horrific outcomes. Anyone who studies history knows this. And like.insaid earlier it is possible to hold more than 1 concern simultaneously.

I've tried to be as civil as I can, but I've been called all sorts, had words put in my mouth and am met with passive aggressive hostility. Your "ally" quip is evidence of this.

You might want to go back and read the rest of my comments. I very clearly said I am pro trans. Not sitting on any fence . Not pretending to be high and mighty. So again you put words in my mouth and call me a hypocrite.

Also I clearly said there is no place for inciting hatred but you obviously ignored that so you can paint me as your enemy.

And no I certainly did not click the link you sent, nor will I.

As for civil discourse and debate, I did not mention any one specific debate or issue. But the inability of some people to realize that not everybody who disagrees with you is your enemy astounds me.

I don't know why transphobes do what they do, because I am not one.

And I never said people can't express themselves. Quite the opposite in fact. I said ALL people should be able to express themselves.

Civil discourse is not the same as debating people's rights to exist. You are being purposefully deceitful. I never once mentioned anything about their right to exist so please don't put words in my mouth.

And finally I have not normalized any behavior other than being able to talk openly without it descending into baseless name calling etc.

How on earth is the devil's advocate a cowards cop out.

If you really want to know I'm pro trans rights. But at the same time I'm also very worried about the state of civil discourse in this day and age.

You do know people can hold multiple beliefs at once. Sometimes they may even seem contradictory.

But no, you rather shut down dialogue and throw around baseless accusations.

Here is a piece of advice...Not everyone who disagrees with you is your enemy.

No, you didn't get that right. Because I did not say I support J.K Rowling at all.

In fact I have kept my personal opinions out of this entirely.

I'm playing devil's advocate.

And I'm not outraged at all.

You really should stop making assumptions.

Did J.K suffer any consequences for her free speech. If so it's not really free then is it.

Have people been fired, cancelled or had their entire lives ruined for saying things ?

Again that's not free speech.

And I'm pretty sure you are all for that so how have I lied

I said "what happened to free speech"

I did not say there is no free speech. There is partial free speech. People can say whatever they long as you agree with it.

Where did I lie?

You agree J.K has a right to free speech yes?

So why are you getting all upset when she uses it.

See you say we have free speech but you can't deal with the consequences of free speech.

The consequences of free speech are that some people might say things you don't like.

Thanks for vaguely addressing and glossing over 1 of the 3 points I made all while being openly hostile towards me.

Good job at striving for civil debate.

It's obvious what I'm talking about. But you want to nit pick at 1 little detail like you don't know what I'm talking about.

And no, there have never been legal consequences for my words. Because you know ....they are just words. Except for obviously inciting hate.

I'm a firm believer in "Let idiots speak, only idiots will fall for their nonsense"

And before you try nit pick at my words what I mean is.... Let people say what they want. If it's crazy most people will see it as crazy and ignore.

Also I can't help pick up on your immediate hostility towards me. Again I have said nothing derogatory or inflammatory, I am not inciting hate yet you come at me with attitude.

Ah yeah , sure wait for the worst to happen before addressing the issue.

Anybody who disagrees with even the slightest thing you lot say = transphobe / bigot.

What on earth ever happened to A) Free speech. B)Civil discourse and debate. C) Accepting that others have different beliefs.

Now I have not mentioned a thing about trans people , or my opinions on the subject but I can guarantee I'll be called all the names you can think of and down voted to oblivion. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I think for certain crimes we really should consider bringing back capital punishment

Are we really suggesting 8 years for rape is a tough sentence. Should be 20+ years for any serious crime such as rape / serious assault

Plus this guy will be out in 5 or 6 years.

The Justice system in this country is a joke

There is one fool proof way to show him he is wrong.... Send him to Russia.

I would absolutely report this fool to both Sony and the authorities.

Also share his name please.

Your people deserved to be free multiple times over the last 500 years or so.

I can only hope you gain that freedom soon without much bloodshed.