(1) Agent 13
(1) Mantis
(1) Maria Hill
(1) Quinjet
(2) Mirage
(2) The Collector
(2) Cable
(2) Scarlet Witch
(3) Morph
(3) Negasonic Teenage Warhead
(3) Gambit
(3) Nocturne


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.

Alek Olsen: “Someday i’ll get it”

Is it Ohio or Ohayo (short for ohayogosimasu)

I wish some of these games were actually real.

I hugged my friend’s deaf Dalmatian puppy. Seen her growing up. It may have been the beer at that moment. But I have been sentimental every time I see the dog. To know it won’t ever know what the world sounds like. Still they remain such sweethearts.

Means touch the D string slightly with the flesh of your finger and lift you finger off the string as soon as you ring the note. You should hear a ringing bell like chime. Pinch harmonic.

The mess in the floor after my dog goes for the bisquik

I remember that dance was around since way back in the 90s

Energy expelled through an Exothermic Isentropic process of a cold gas such as helium into solid plasma. Is in theory a means to achieve a stable source of energy. No real cold fusion is in any terms possible within our laws of physics.

We’re all getting *tabbies

How does your fluff not shed hair everywhere… never mind I saw the speck of hair land no the box at the end.

Does anyone still have RJDJ installed ?