Straight to feet, that’s the only right answer.

I wish, local skate shops in my town are non existent let alone if there was they likely wouldn’t get any stock anyway. I won them on the draw.

Totally ✌🏻 adding to my collection always helps

Definitely my favourite shoe I’ve gotten this year, the moment I saw them I knew I wanted them. They remind me of the Tiffany Dunks but imo they look way better.

No doubt, i have no idea how they are in terms of comfort.

University is going great, as promised if I have it dyed I will make a follow up post showing what it looks like.

Unfortunately not yet, I started university in September & I’ve kind of just forgot about getting it done.

Retain the Mane!

You have a great head of hair my friend, maybe I’m biased because I have long hair and I think dudes who can grow a head of luscious locks definitely should if they suit it, you definitely suit it so I’d say go with the long hair style again.

Well best of luck with growing it to that length, maybe when you get there you can come back here and post a picture, anyways take care ✌🏻

Yeah social norms suck imo, especially if you have a lot of judgmental people surrounding you in your life. The fact that it’s normal for girls / women to do this stuff and not normalised for boys / men is something that bugs me.

Dying the entirety of your hair black, now that’s a bold move right there. My opinion is go with whatever you feel happy the most about.

I’m definitely no Guru when it comes to this stuff, but I’d say considering you have an attractive face you could pretty much pull it off short, medium and even long haired style.

You could try getting it permed, grow it out. Honestly what would be your preference when it comes to length then I can start naming styles that could fit you.

Definitely 3 Imo, although you can experiment, there’s so many styles you could go for but that depends on what’s to your tastes.

I think you can pretty easily pull off every look in the photos. You’re handsome and have great facial features.

Personally I’d go with 3 / 4 but that’s because you have kind of a Peter Parker vibe going on.

You’re completely right, I wish I had accepted that throughout my early teenage years, not having to conform to social standards and being more accepting of myself.

The main reason I stated the “I’m a boy” part is because there’s always going to an anxiousness for people like me when it comes to gender archetypes.

I now feel confident enough to push any doubts to the side and just do something for the sake of myself.

That right there is a mullet, if you search it up and it looks a little crazier than expected that’s because there many different variations.

Honestly, i wasn’t expecting much if anything from the post, the fact I’ve received so many friendly comments, replies & suggestions is so nice for someone who tends to stay clear from posting on social media. Yep it’s been great.

Hopefully, it’s amazing until it ends up in my mouth on the odd occasion 😂

Thank you so much.

That’s such a beautiful photo full of life. The vibes must have been off the charts, looks like your whole group has amazing chemistry ✌🏻

Also super curious how long you’ve been growing your hair, it’s absolutely insane in a positive way = )