I was going to say "Dammit". And you kids can cut through my lawn. Just don't be mean to my dogs.

This is only a thought, but perhaps you can give some wiggle room to allow a campfire snack or dessert as part of cracker barrel on day one. Especially if it fits al l requirements.

Setting up a station for tinfoil campfire nachos, or something else that would be considered for both snack and meal could fit the bill.

I keep coming back to the question, how do you have Paul Ellering there and not let him have a microphone?

If they want the group to be worthy of concern, they need some wins and some hype.

Otherwise, they come across as a speed bump to whatever is next.

I really enjoyed his son's book Dead Man's Hand.

It felt like a buddy cop book. I'm looking forward to reading the next ones.

You looked like the guy in the friend group that gets girlfriend/wife approval.

Like, if the boys were going to Vegas, my wife would say no to me going until she found out you were going as well.

You probably have a lot of females in your life, that try to set you up with friends, daughters, grand daughters and perhaps a child's teacher at one point.

Some of these same boomers buy overpriced copper bracelets to help with arthritis.

Tell them you got it from an acupuncturist to help with migraines. There will be some that believe you.

Respectfully, you looking damn sinful. RESPECTFULLY.

Borderline decadent.

My best bits of advice for you. go to the gym and be consistent. If you don't know where to start, ask around and someone will get you a training regiment.

I'd suggest talking to one of the coaches at your school, they probably have a regiment they wish their players would follow.

As you get to high school, see if your school has speech and debate, oral interpretation and/or theater departments. All three of these will help get you comfortable in front of crowds, speaking clearly and getting your head into a character.

I know that the Monster Factory used to have a wrestling camp for your age range. But, I'm not sure if they still have it or what that looks like.

90% of what makes or breaks a job for me is co-workers and management.

That being said, working at a comic shop is a literal dream some days. You deal with a lot of people who are passionate about what you are selling.

In college, we had a downstairs neighbor who would regularly throw wild parties. My roommate and I had a night where we all had to get up early to go open at various jobs.

We knew it was coming up and kindly asked him not to throw a rager the night before. Needless to say, a rager was thrown.

In response, both my roommates pointed all their speakers to the floor and put cds with a single song on repeat. One roommate used tubthumping by chumbawumba. The other used Song 2 by Blur.

Our requests weren't ignored again.

I have a movie that I am a one man cult for. It is Stark Raving Mad. It stars Sean William Scott in a role that isn't his typical stupid dude bro.

He is throwing a rave as cover for robbing a bank and I will always recommend it.

I would like to use it to go to prisons and force inmates to improve themselves. Get therapy, earn a GED or college degree.

Do the work to be functioning members of society.

I'd then go looking into unsolved murders and ask all prime suspects to tell the truth about the crime.

Let me be the scariest detective that ever was. It's the closest I will ever get to being Batman.

I'd it wrong that I want Maclin to show up and win it?

I know Hendry would be great. But, I'm sold on Maclin as a star.

The hot chocolate, sock skit.

My biggest switch is going to a metal water bottle. Having cold water in my bottle makes it much more likely I keep drinking.

I myself have gotten hooked on liquid death. Their flavored sparkling waters actually have flavor and are great on a hot day. I did have to explain to people at wood badge that I was hydrating instead of bringing barley pops to every session, however.

I just hope it leads to Hook doing the walk away from top rope attacks.

My other option was taking off golf. And if I play video games, I'm still around the house to help my wife with the kids.

My wife also likes to chill on the couch and watch me play. So we bond over it.

My therapist thinks it's a good way to take care of my inner child.

Both my boys like video games and it's good to share hobbies with your kids.

I'm also a scout master and being able to talk video games with my scouts is a great way to connect.

I'll be honest the girls in our troop turned me into a Swifty as well. I'm not embarrassed by that either.

So the real question is, why are you so offended by what brings other people joy?

I am now envisioning a reverse John Wick type short story where someone kidnaps Harry and Mouse goes on a full rampage across Chicago in order to rescue him.

Someone tries to hire Goodman Grey to stop Mouse and he nopes out and explains how truly hosed they are for taking Harry from Mouse.