If you search for "felt mobile" on Amazon, there are a ton of choices for under $30. We just hung from the ceiling with a command hook, no motion and no songs. Worked just fine.

Lol just the normal step2, grandparents have for his first birthday. Pump is a royobi from home Depot. Our equal hero is the $50 picnic table from Aldi last summer with sensory bins, we use for sand exclusively

Here with my second. I've had like 10 fluid IVs over two days (ECV to induction to C-section, very stubborn girl) so loose pants are a must, plus robes. I sweat a lot this time so shampoo, face wipes, dry shampoo, makeup to make me feel human are all a must for me. Nail clippers for baby. Photo props (swaddles, blankets, outfit for the car ride home). I always bring our preferred bottle, in case we need to supplement. Insulated water bottle. Kindle. Lots and lots of snacks, canned coffee.

I can't even imagine--grandma just texted me saying our 2 yr old just did nearly 3 hours at his water table lol

We have been continuously gouged by UI for the past year--our bill has been as much as 4x as our bill historically. We leased from sunpower with a fixed rate, no increase. Right now I have a $400 credit on my UI account. I pay $200 per month. Before UI started jerking us around, I was paying about $90-100, but we didn't see a bill that low again for all of 2023 and a good chunk of 2022. We have been in our house since 2016.

Had one of each gender, posterior for both

I showered 8 hours after delivery (2.5 day induction, baby was taken to the NICU about 6 hours after birth so trying to get things knocked off the list until I was allowed up to see him). Would not recommend that early, the bleeding was still so heavy it was hard to get the new pad on before there was bleeding on my formerly clean thighs.

Try laying on your back with your feet against the wall, pointing and flexing your feet for 15x, wait a minute, repeat 3-4 times. I had a lot of swelling in my labia and it was uncomfortable, this is what my pelvic floor PT suggested to help redirect some of my blood flow.

Send them dinner delivery from a restaurant they like. Pizza, Chinese, whatever. A hot meal sent at dinner time.

Our son is 2, 35" and 25# and very active, still loves the Stokke XL bath with tons of room left

I'm in the hospital now being induced. My Dr just left for the day. He told me he's scheduled to come back to be the on call in the morning, but if this baby comes between 7pm and 7am tonight, she'll be delivered by the on call doctor, who isn't with our practice. Same thing happened with my first baby, my Drs were on day shifts and I delivered at midnight.

They just recently added early access through the group. It helps a bit. The collabs are always a shit show, you can get something if you're not going for a blanket. I usually pick one or two things max and can usually get them. I don't think they've ever "upped their stock" like people claim, some of the collabs were just flops.

They're designed to come down a birth canal. They're sturdier than you think.

We were gifted "how to be a big brother" by Marilynn James--i just googled and there is a big sister version too. It's short, sweet, and my toddler really likes it, he's asked for it before nap and bedtime for the past two weeks since we got it.

It's totally normal to feel resentment towards people who get pregnant easily after a long, torturous fertility journey. I have a healthy toddler and about to give birth to our second, and it's still hard to keep the pang of annoyance and jealousy towards people who got pregnant with almost no effort. It reignites the feelings of "but why was it so hard for us?" And it's a very, VERY common feeling for people who have infertility. I don't think you need therapy. Feel your feelings but try not to let it get in the way of enjoying your pregnancy.

Anything. I just said hip because there are hips everywhere else. Any kind of dormer would be a better solution than making the entire roof this big just for some head room in one area.

Is the point to spend as much money as possible with no return? Because that's what this roof is. I agree with whoever said that back deck is going to be a dark canyon. Some hip dormers in the bonus room would get some head room without all this expensive, awkward, McMansion Hell roof.

I happen to like Kyte, I think their mom lounge is the best fit of the "major" bamboo brands and their blankets are great. They do run a bit small and thinner, but I have a lot of Kyte and haven't had any actual problems with anything. I love a snap romper with a nice contrasting print.

My OB told me that a recent study on low dose aspirin was done in the UK (or maybe the EU?) with a dosage that we don't have standardly available in the US. That's why some Drs recommend one aspirin, some recommend two. My Dr chose two.

Yes our SLP calls them "approximations" and as long as they're consistent, they count.

IKEA Neiden is about 6" off the floor, comes in twin and full. I regular toddler bed from someone like Graco is about the same height.

Fine but you probably can't put a window that close to the stove unless you live in a country with no fire code.

My baby finally flipped at 36+6 (yay!) and then flipped back at 37+5 (boo). Today at my 39 week appointment, we agreed that since she was transverse breech, we would schedule an ECV in two days. Basically, they double booked me. I have an ECV with an immediate induction scheduled, and basically at the same time, I'm booked for a C-section. Since I'm now truly full term, if the ECV fails, we move right over to a C-section. I also have a toddler so I'm willing to give it a try, but I've also heard from lots of moms that a scheduled C-section recovery can be much easier than an emergency one.

I just went through this--its actually really common to happen at 2-2.5. I'm 39 weeks pregnant and it took about 3 months for us to resolve the whole regression, looking forward to another disruption in the next week when the baby comes.

The best solution for us was the chair method. We had an independent sleeper for over a year, so it took some trial and error, check ins were not the way for us. I would sit next to his bed until he fell asleep, and move the chair about two feet further towards the door each night till I made it to the door. Then we worked on falling asleep with me standing in the doorway/hallway. TBH, if we can't quite get the hang of getting further than that, I'm okay with it for a while longer. Babies are a huge change and it's not his fault he doesn't know how to handle it, other than pushing back hard at bedtime.