What happens when the partner is no longer in the picture? This is why I think its wise to be financially independent.

What about brock? Whats the aussie read on him?

She makes me irrationally hate my tv, peacock, and living in LA

Why dog owners never own carpets

Danielle is to summer house what schenna is to VPR

Reading all these comments.. shouldn't Bravo get rid of her already. I feel like ppl are finally seeing what I've been watching for years.

Oh that makes sense. I only watch his podcast when certain guests are on and I liked the way he handled Tom Sandoval who could arguably be the alpha villain in this scenario. People do weird things for attention.

How the fuck do I watch this in the US?

When stassi said something like, "this is the most Schenna thing Schenna's ever Schenna'd" lol

But then schenna would have a season where it was all about her...

What's more shocking than the fact that she has shown ZERO personal growth over the past 10 years is the fact that she admitted that she fast forwards cast-mates scenes and only watches HER scenes. So even watching herself on tv doesn't make her do some self reflecting or see how ick she is.

I dated this type of guy for 3 years. Looking back I was miserable most of the time. He thought my life should revolve around his and when I set boundaries he'd respect them for about a week or just long enough for me to think things in the relationship were getting better and as soon as I was happy and enjoying life with him, he reverted back to his old self again. It was like he was only happy if I wasn't - it's hard to explain. I had to grey rock him and he eventually left me alone. If you're already noticing these red flags, stop talking to him. Trust your gut.

Charlie should pay for his own kid's birthday. You're NTA but Charlie and his kids are. Glad you got away from them

Some people stay with the loser their entire lives. Take the win

Exactly.. and no kids involved and she got out. She did better than a lot of people. Shes literally unstuck now

What is Danielle's post about? Is she saying shes leaving the show or that Jen is? What does Tulum is tip of iceberg mean?

I'm caught up on all episodes I just don't know whats to come for rest of season.

100% agree When I heard there would be no reunion I thought DAMN things are so messy in Jersey that Andy maybe didn't want to host a reunion