no because this is originally from Middle East/Asia region

Getting back to you, one version has Wave 1-5 on cart with 6 as new update, now a new version with wave 1-6 on cart

it's the standard game + DLC design for all nintendo first party games unfortunately

After COVID, it looks like both Japan Sonic team and America sonic team reunited once again

What happened next? Did you get your refund?

I can't think of any fast food places that sell fried pies post COVID now 🤔

I don't think ATLUS wants to go backwards

link has been taken down by youtube :(

what kind of content? Most to kids? For sure. But that can be turned around by parents

you may want to upgrade to windows 11 soon since windows 10 only has 3-5 years left of support

And new fashioned friends!

Just tell the staff through their discord which is locked through their patreon soooo

And new fashioned friends!

no, it is AI based as any sound effect over dialogue doesn't get picked up

And new fashioned friends!

then explain Plumbers Don't Wear Ties?

And new fashioned friends!

shhhh that's a secret menu option that not even Humongous knows about these days

curse you youtube and your audio dub AI track system!!