"MIL, that's a great idea, my person can't do it as there's no time or space in our room, but I am sure she can recommend someone you can hire to do gf in the other room. That's so sweet of you to offer when you know how expensive it is! "

It seems you don't know each other as well as you thought. He wants a traditional wife despite your sharing your background, and even tried to come up with a plan to make it work before approaching you. You thought you had a partner who understood your goals. Problem is you both want opposing parenting/marriage styles. BTW, I might be hurt by the suggestion of throwing away all my dreams, but I would also laugh at that kind of marriage proposal. If you are going to keep the child, you need to get on the same page regarding: work, sahm, parenting styles, financials, religion, house and child rearing responsibilities, life goals, etc. Apologies needed from both sides along with in-depth discussion. ESH

NTA. Husband's friend has apologized, atoned, and will hopefully never be put in charge of an animal's care again. But, his fiance is just being a tool. Husband should not support his friend marrying someone who would be mean to his wife. Especially not attend the event being used to punish her. If he attends the wedding he's enabling mistreatment of his wife.

I wish I knew what country speaks English, but still has an age of innocence after 12 years old. I want to visit

The only people who deserve a tip are ones who do an excellent job. The employers need to pay workers a living wage... because their excuse of savings is NOT being passed on to the customer.

Notice the supervisor is putting the liability on you. Protect yourself.

Go above the liar's head. Also see if the dog can be fostered with someone who can help the issue

Consider putting two recognizable pet spaces on the bed:one for corgi, one for cat. Then wait and hope

Wonderful behavior. Please continue your endeavors

I allowed my parents to talk me out of taking a job in Asia when I was young. I'm in my 50s now and still regret the missed opportunity. Talk to embassy and look up travel tips to be as safe as possible. Have a great time!

Tell him a gentle truth, you're sorry you can't help in this instance, but recommend vocational rehabilitation if your country offers it. Have the address and phone number ready to offer and leave.

My cat would trash the house while I was gone and completely ignore me for weeks when I returned before I earned forgiveness. I once had a cat sitter warn me before entering my home, "you were not robbed.". Another time I came home and he looked at me and bit a doll's head off before turning tail and strolling away. Cats are perverse creatures. Give him time and treats.

Underreacting. Limit contact with Mil. Get husband counseling.

I would have picked him up and moved him. NTA

Have the wedding you want. Do not invite anyone who does not support you. NTA.

The audacity of her idiot mother to agree with the girlfriend. Poor OP.