You rang? Pumping my own gas is so novel for me that I demand to do it when we leave the state.

Same, DF, except my beverage is a Sam Adams summer ale. I busted my ass to have the groceries and all other weekend errands done before dinner so I can sit on my back patio and enjoy being off from my badge swiping job for the next two days. Cheers!

What's funnier is that this was a criticism leveled at Millennials about six months ago on TikTok. Threads continues to be the place where wannabe influencers peddle unoriginal "original" thoughts for clout. Our Gir! included.

It’s possible they didn’t have to say anything. The medical team could have run a blood panel that opened the conversation about food. We don’t know.

Goals. And I sort of hope Martin Short is there too. They are my senior citizen ship. ❤️

It's very performative and its easier to do than hounding their elected representatives every week. It's always fun though to look and see who they're still following. They'll brag about unfollowing a bunch of women, POC, and a random white guy but still be following the entire NSYNC roster, Allison Kuch, and Chipotle.

They're also going to be confused in 3 months when TikTok ignores the blocks and starts showing the celebs again.

I was holding onto hope the Keytruda infusion would kick in. I will miss seeing her.

Because it required a celeb’s stylist’s assistant to read a short story?

It's so freaking sad that she's finding the very intentionally planned and designed spaces at the hospital joyful because with the tiniest bit of thought she could have had lovely joyful spaces in any of the homes she burned through in the last 10 years.

Even framing her photos properly (and unironically, you can find fantastic frames at thrift stores) and hanging them instead of taping them to the wall is a tiny step toward a happy joyful space. Instead she craps on people with perfect and tidy homes. What if the hospital put as much thought to their common areas as she does? Printouts taped to dirty walls, dead plants, crumbs, and whatever furniture they could grab for free? She's the worst.

When someone had such poor eyesight they had to choose Lego bricks by feel…

We all want things to be okay for people involved, but I can't help but think of her retellings of her car accident, the Fauxvid incident, blue-tinged lips, etc etc.

She has shared so much about her children online that we, her snark site, have a rule not to repost any of it.

Becca has said on multiple occasions that the guest interviews aren't well-received but I think they're fantastic. Otherwise it's Becca talking about which college friend's house she traveled to that week, and Olivia telling great stories while simultaneously having to explain completely mainstream popular things to Becca.

What a find!

She explains why two of her gardens failed (kid and her medical issues are of course to blame), and the story about the fresh strawberries reveal that they actually "little wild strawberries that flourish all over the garden" aka nothing she did herself.

I love how there is no photographic proof that the garden is actually hers. For all we know the photos are of the kid romping around other places (she's wearing four different outfits, and at in least one photo she's just in some landscaping) and those were photos of other people's gardens. I'm not asking for a photo of that day's newspaper, but you'd think for this there would be a picture of S, the kid, and a vegetable garden behind them.

I don't have kids but it's an adorable little show. That said, many adults are developing a weird attachment to it. SHE is blathering because it's the popular thing to talk about on TikTok and possibly Threads and she has to "oh comma me too" every single trending topic out there. (disclaimer: I don't participate on Threads because it seems like it's full of the most insufferable Wine Mom Writer blather.)

I have no doubt she keeps track of trending topics as part of her "Work."

Always playing 4D chess, that one.

Also comma The Muppet Movie did well in its release, was critically acclaimed, and Rainbow Connection was an Oscar nominated song. It’s pretty mainstream and has been for decades. Rainbow Connection, like Marvel, is not some secret nerd handshake.

This a million times. He is in his prime and should be running circles around Sophie and Edward at the very least not tied with the 78 year old Duke of Gloucester. (2023 numbers, before Kate’s health issues.) Kate is ill and I wish her the best but I don’t think skipping jobs because he’s holding her hair while she is ill from chemo effects, struggling to cook meals that she can keep down, or driving her to appointments after dropping the kids off at school.

Trader Joe's Everything but the Bagel seasoning, sourced from her local buy nothing group.

If we could still award Reddit gold, you’d have it today for this amazing comment.

So the descent into poverty begins again? Sorry for what you unwittingly brought upon yourself, dear next door neighbor friend.

My parents were both from blue collar families, and they didn't have the financial freedom to become hippies. Dad was drafted into the Vietnam War, and Mom had to get a job the day after she graduated high school and was expected to work until she married and left the house. I'm financially comfortable, but I'm definitely not financially better off than my parents. I was the first to graduate college and even with my degree and white collar career, I wouldn't be able to afford the one story/1 bathroom house I grew up in - the house my parents bought in their early 20s on Dad's small salary - without my husband's earnings as well. If I was to grow divorced from my husband, neither of us could afford the house we live in on our own salary. My parents have pensions, I have some 401(k)s that were battered many times by market crashes. I keep saving, but I don't see my old age being a very good one.

But between the Cold War and global warming/climate change I didn't even think I'd live this long. I legitimately freaked about about the Chinese spy balloon last year when everyone else was so chill about it because it could have been right out of the beginning of a 1980s nuclear war movie.

I wasn't feral, but I do remember coming home from school by myself and having the "don't answer the phone, and if someone knocks don't answer AND don't let them see you through the window" instructions drilled into me. I also babysat infants and toddlers at what is now a completely inappropriate age to do so.

I also agree that Shauna doesn't seem very GenX. Even Harriet the Spy was a Boomer.